Other activities
- Cycle "Humanities and Territorial Management in the 21st Century"
Tomar, 24.10.2018: The revolution 4.0 and its sociocultural implications: humanities, technology and territorial management (coordinated by Nuno Madeira, Erika Robrahn-Gonzalez, L. Oosterbeek)
- Mação, 8-16.03.2019: Seminar APHELEIA 2019: Sustainability, development and public policies in territories of low population density
- VI congress of Human Rights in the Information Society and territorial management (Tomar, 12-14.02.2019 - coord, Luiz Oosterbeek, Celso Fiorillo, Eduardo Vera Cruz)
- International Meeting "Paleoclimate: Change and Adaptation" (Coimbra, 19-20.06.2019 - coordinator R. P. Reis, H. Henriques)
Other activities (dates to be announced)
2018 Workshop of Experimentation 2019 Course of Arqueoacústica
2018 Origins of Agriculture in the Middle Tagus and its Euro-Mediterranean context
2019 Communication of cultural and scientific content for journalists
2019 Cultural Mediation, Museums and Territory
2019 Biology, human behavior and territory management
2019 Global understanding of processes and territorial management
2019 Adaptation, innovation and economy
2019 Conflict, memory and identity
2019 Humanities, entrepreneurship and territorial development
2019 Technology, Art and Identity
2019 International Meeting of UNESCO Chairs of Humanities