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Digital Marketing

Because the future is yours!  



The Higher Education Academy of Mafra (AESM) provides, since 2021/2022 academic year, Higher Technical Professional Courses (CTESP).This public training offer of proximity, specialized and articulated with the needs of the local socio-economic fabric, intends to be a boost in the qualification of young people. Where does EHESM work?EHESM will be working in facilities lent by the Mafra City Hall, in two poles: the Mafra pole, located in Rua Dr. Domingos Machado Pereira (former Mafra Health Centre); and the Ericeira pole, located in Rua Prudêncio Franco da Trindade (Ericeira Business Factory facilities).

What is a CTESP?

Provided by polytechnic education, it is a new type of higher education, with a duration of two years, which includes six months of internship, corresponding to 120 credit units (ECTS). It grants a diploma of higher professional technician of level 5 of the National Qualifications Framework, and, if you wish, you can afterwards enter in the study cycles of bachelor's degree and integrated master's degree, through a special concurrence, acquiring the respective academic degree.

Who can apply to a CTESP?

- Holders of a secondary education course or legally equivalent qualification;- Holders of a level 4 vocational secondary education course;

-Holders of a technological specialization diploma (CET);- Holders of a higher education degree who wish to undergo vocational re-qualification;

- Those who have passed the especially adequate exams aimed at assessing the ability of those over 23 years old to attend higher education.


Collaborate , autonomously or under supervision in the development of digital marketing products. The professional profile is highly versatile , since it has to have skills in product development , integrated use of computer applications  and customer management skills , either through CRM systems , either through content marketing , with great potential for tourism. The graduate should be able to do the design and implementation of commercial digital marketing campaigns , either within the B2B or from the end customer.


- Develop and execute the marketing and communications planning of an online market strategy;

- Develop and coordinate digital marketing campaigns;

- Manage brand identity, positioning and main criteria for market segmentation in the digital environment;

- Monitor the application of commercial legislation in the marketing and communication planning of an online market strategy;

- Create content for the digital environment in line with consumer needs

- Managing and using the new digital media available using new techniques for selling products, services and ideas

- Planning a study of products and or services of the company, characterize the type of customers and collect information on competition and the market in general in order to respond appropriately to the needs, satisfaction and customer loyalty, using various sources of information

- To coordinate media planning and online tools and media;

- To monitor and manage the impact of digital marketing campaigns

- Managing and selecting the best tools for the implementation of branding strategies defined in the digital environment.


ECTS: 120
Location: Tomar, Mafra.


Develop an e-commerce strategy and monitor its results.
Analyse and discuss the results of commercial actions, proposing new actions and corrective measures.
To support the customer in terms of merchandising and informing him/her about new products and/or services and promotions.
To apply the commercial legislation in force applicable to the context of the company.
To analyse customer behaviour, diagnose their needs, proposing the development of digital products - either as a substitute or as a complement, taking into account their characteristics, sales conditions and after-sales services.
Ensure the receipt and handling of complaints, as well as other situations after the online sale, acting to solidify the partnership relationship with the customer, according to the strategic importance of after-sales service.
Study the products and or services of the company, characterize the type of customers and collect information about the competition and the market in general, in order to respond adequately to the needs, satisfaction and loyalty of customers, using various sources of information.
Produce written contents for dissemination.
Ensure the permanent updating of contents.
Produce reports analysing the competition's communication.

Professional Goals

The professional with a Digital Marketing training will be qualified to perform the following functions, within the communication and/or sales areas of an organisation:

  • Digital Marketing; 
  • Social Network; 
  • Online Content;
  • Online Sales. 

Publication in the Diário da República: Aviso n.º 11771/2016 de 27/09/2016

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
60591 Atelier de CriatividadeGestão e administração 2
605913 Business Management Principles and TechniquesGestão e administração 6
60599 Companies LawDireito 5
60598 Comportamento do ConsumidorSociologia e outros estudos 3
60597 Comércio EletrónicoInformática na óptica do utilizador 6
605911 Digital MarketingMarketing e publicidade 4
60592 EnglishLínguas e literaturas estrangeiras 4
605910 Gestão e Estratégia ComercialGestão e administração 4
60596 Information and Communication TechnologiesInformática na óptica do utilizador 6
60593 Métodos QuantitativosMatemática 4
60594 PortuguêsLíngua e literatura materna 4
605912 Principles of MarketingMarketing e publicidade 6
60595 Sociedade e EconomiaEconomia 4
605914 Técnicas de ComunicaçãoJornalismo e reportagem 2


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
605916 Análise de Casos em Gestão de Produtos e Serviços DigitaisGestão e administração 4
605915 Atelier de Inovação e EmpreendedorismoGestão e administração 2
605917 Comunicação e Comércio EletrónicoMarketing e publicidade 4
605920 Content Production LaboratoryMarketing e publicidade 5
605918 Desenvolvimento de Produtos DigitaisMarketing e publicidade 5
605922 EstágioMarketing e publicidade 30
605919 Market ResearchMarketing e publicidade 4
605921 Marketing Tecnologies and Digital CommunicationMarketing e publicidade 6

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 4719/2022 de 21/04/2022

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
605924 Creativity and entrepreneurship workshopGestão e administração 2 Anabela da Cruz Pereira (2)
Jorge Simões (1)(2)
60592 EnglishLínguas e literaturas estrangeiras 4 Marta Dionísio (1)(2)
Susana Domingos (2)
60596 Information and Communication TechnologiesInformática na óptica do utilizador 6 Inaê Pimentel Santa Ana (2)
José Ribeiro Mendes (1)(2)
60593 Métodos QuantitativosMatemática e estatística 4 Paula Cristina Miguel da Silva (2)
José Faria Paixão (1)(2)
605912 Principles of MarketingMarketing e publicidade 6 Joana Leiria Cabral Ferreira (2)
Fátima Pedro (1)(2)
60595 Sociedade e EconomiaEconomia 4 Cláudia Pires da Silva (1)(2)
605923 Técnicas de escrita para o meio digitalLíngua e literatura materna 4 Maria Romana (2)
Manuela Silva (1)(2)
2º Semestre
605916 Análise de Casos em Gestão de Produtos e Serviços DigitaisGestão e administração 4 Joana Leiria Cabral Ferreira (2)
Vasco Santos (1)(2)
605913 Business Management Principles and TechniquesGestão e administração 6 Sílvio Silva (1)
Anabela da Cruz Pereira (2)
Ana Pacheco (2)
605925 Comunicação Visual e DigitalMarketing e publicidade 2 Fernanda Catarina Amaro Cavalheiro (2)
Joana Leiria Cabral Ferreira (2)
60597 Comércio EletrónicoMarketing e publicidade 6 Neuza Maria Eurico Cardoso (2)
Cristina Paula Lopes Ferreira de Sousa Marques (1)(2)
605911 Digital MarketingMarketing e publicidade 4 Neuza Maria Eurico Cardoso (2)
Vasco Santos (1)(2)
605910 Gestão e Estratégia ComercialGestão e administração 4 Ana Filipa Vieira Lopes Joaquim (2)
António Ferreira (1)(2)
605919 Market ResearchCiências sociais e do comportamento 4 Fátima Pedro (1)(2)
Rosa Brígida (2)


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
605926 Análise de casos em Inovação e EmpreendedorismoGestão e administração 2 Pedro Manuel Nobre Freire (2)
António Ferreira (1)(2)
60599 Companies LawDireito 5 Paula Almeida (2)
Cláudia Sousa Rosa (1)(2)
60598 Comportamento do ConsumidorCiências sociais e do comportamento 3 Alexandra Carvalho (1)(2)
605917 Comunicação e Comércio EletrónicoInformática na óptica do utilizador 4 Neuza Maria Eurico Cardoso (2)
Vasco Santos (2)
Vasco Silva (1)(2)
605920 Content Production LaboratoryMarketing e publicidade 5 Rosana Antonio (2)
Pedro Casaca (1)(2)
605918 Desenvolvimento de Produtos DigitaisMarketing e publicidade 5 Nuno Miguel Mendes Vieira Branco (2)
Vasco Santos (2)
José Ribeiro Mendes (1)(2)
605921 Marketing Tecnologies and Digital CommunicationMarketing e publicidade 6 Inaê Pimentel Santa Ana (2)
Vasco Santos (1)(2)
2º Semestre
605922 Estágio 30 Jorge Simões (2)
Fátima Pedro (1)(2)
Luís Francisco (2)
José Farinha (2)
José Pinheiro Nogueira (2)
Inês Câmara (2)
Carla Joaquim (2)
Sílvio Silva (2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Câmara Municipal de Mafra - Academia de Ensino Superior de Mafra

Escola Secundária José Saramago

Escola Técnica e Professional de Mafra


Course coordinator

Maria de Fátima Rodrigues Pedro

Maria de Fátima Rodrigues Pedro

Gabinete: O210
t.: 00351 249 328 244
ext.: 1125
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Isabel Maria Lopes Pereira

Isabel Maria Lopes Pereira

Gabinete: B 252
t.: 249 328 290
ext.: 01304
endereço de e-mail
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