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Design and Graphic Arts Technology

A highly specialised education with a wide range of career opportunities in a unique academic environment.


Provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme and courses that includes contact with real situations and laboratories experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that permits excellent career opportunities and pursue postgraduate studies.


DGES Registration No.: R/A - Ef 649/2011/AL01
DGES Registration Date: 30/07/2020
ECTS: 180
Location: Tomar.

Process No.: ACEF/2021/0420507
Accreditation Term: 6 anos
Publication Date: 20/11/2023
A3ES Deliberation


The Design and Graphic Arts Technology programme is designed according to a multifaceted consistent profile and covers a wide range of subjects from graphic technologies and communication design. It aims to deliver designers and top managers for institutions or enterprises involved in the design, production, management and research of graphic objects. Understanding technologies and graphic processes, management systems and methods and budgeting, information and communication technologies and multimedia is a crucial condition for the designer and graphic technician profile inherent to this academic cycle. This programme was designed so as to facilitate access, not only to the labour world, but also to second-cycle programmes of study, namely the Master?s degree in Editorial Technologies from ESTT.

Professional Goals

  • professionals for graphic companies:
    top management positions in sectors such as production, commercial, quality, planning, budgets and stocks.
  • professionals for graphic design related areas: communication designer, webdesigner and multimedia designer.

Condições de Acesso

The students who have completed the disciplines mentioned below with the minimum required mark are eligible for entry to the study programme in Design and Graphic Technology: (03) Drawing or (10) Descriptive Geometry or (12) Culture History and Arts.


Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 3359/2013 - 01/03/2013

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
964442 Desktop PublishingTecnologias Gráficas 5.5
96441 DrawingDesign Gráfico 3
964443 Graphic TechnologyTecnologias Gráficas 7
964457 History of Arts and Communication Cultura Gráfica 4
964413 Image ProcessingDesign Gráfico 5
96443 Psychology of Visual PerceptionCiências Sociais 5.5
2º Semestre
96449 Applied ChemistryQuímica 5
964410 Colour PhysicsFisica 3
964411 Graphic Design IDesign Gráfico 6
96448 Image AnalysisDesign Gráfico 4.5
964444 PhotographyTecnologias Gráficas 4.5
964445 PrepressTecnologias Gráficas 7


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
964437 Communication ErgonomicsDesign Gráfico 4
964438 Design TheoryDesign Gráfico 4.5
964416 Graphic Design IIDesign Gráfico 6
964440 MarketingCiências Empresariais 4
964446 Printing - offset ITecnologias Gráficas 7
964414 Production ManagementCiências Empresariais 4.5
2º Semestre
964447 Final ArtworkDesign Gráfico 3
964422 Graphic Design IIIDesign Gráfico 6
964420 Multimedia Design IDesign Multimédia 5
964421 Packaging and ProcessingTecnologias Gráficas 5
964448 Printing - Offset II and Pad PrintingTecnologias Gráficas 6
964419 Quality ControlTecnologias Gráficas 5


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
964450 Digital PrintingTecnologias Gráficas 3
964426 Graphic Design IVDesign Gráfico 6
964427 Multimedia Design IIDesign Multimédia 5
964452 PostpressTecnologias Gráficas 6
964449 Quality ManagementCiências Empresariais 4
964451 ScreenprintingTecnologias Gráficas 6
2º Semestre
964456 Final ProjectDesign Gráfico 7.5
964455 Graphic BudgetingCiências Empresariais 5
964453 Graphic Documentation ConservationTecnologias Gráficas 5
964454 Management and StrategyCiências Empresariais 4.5
964431 Multimedia Design IIIDesign Multimédia 5
964433 Organizational BehaviourCiências Sociais 3

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 9182/2020 - 25/09/2020

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
964442 Desktop PublishingTecnologias Gráficas 5.5 Mário Carvalho (1)(2)
96441 DrawingDesign Gráfico 3 João Rosa (1)(2)
964443 Graphic TechnologyTecnologias Gráficas 7 Regina Delfino (1)(2)
Vitor Jesus (2)
Paula Pinto Pereira (2)
964459 History of Graphic Communication Design ICultura Gráfica 4 Madalena Larcher (1)(2)
964413 Image ProcessingDesign Gráfico 5 Ana do Carmo (1)(2)
96443 Psychology of Visual PerceptionCiências Sociais 5.5 Isabel Ferreira (1)(2)
2º Semestre
96449 Applied ChemistryQuímica 5 Marco Cartaxo (1)(2)
964411 Graphic Design IDesign Gráfico 6 Vitor Jesus (1)(2)
96448 Image AnalysisDesign Gráfico 4.5 João Rosa (1)
964444 PhotographyTecnologias Gráficas 4.5 António Ventura (1)
964445 PrepressTecnologias Gráficas 7 Luís Oliveira (1)
Rui Proença (2)
964460 TypographyDesign Gráfico 3 Maria João Santos (1)(2)


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
964437 Communication ErgonomicsDesign Gráfico 4 Mário Carvalho (1)(2)
964416 Graphic Design IIDesign Gráfico 6 Vitor Jesus (1)(2)
964461 History of Graphic Communication Design IICultura Gráfica 4.5 Maria João Santos (1)(2)
964440 MarketingCiências Empresariais 4 Fátima Pedro (1)(2)
964446 Printing - offset ITecnologias Gráficas 7 Paula Pinto Pereira (2)
Miguel Sanches (1)(2)
964414 Production ManagementCiências Empresariais 4.5 Sílvio Silva (1)(2)
2º Semestre
964447 Final ArtworkDesign Gráfico 3 Miguel Sanches (1)
964422 Graphic Design IIIDesign Gráfico 6 Maria João Santos (1)(2)
964420 Multimedia Design IDesign Multimédia 5 João Rosa (1)
Júlio Silva (2)
964421 Packaging and ProcessingTecnologias Gráficas 5 Regina Delfino (1)(2)
964448 Printing - Offset II and Pad PrintingTecnologias Gráficas 6 Paula Pinto Pereira (2)
Miguel Sanches (1)(2)
964419 Quality ControlTecnologias Gráficas 5 Luís Oliveira (1)(2)


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
964450 Digital PrintingTecnologias Gráficas 3 Rui Proença (1)(2)
964426 Graphic Design IVDesign Gráfico 6 Maria João Santos (1)(2)
964427 Multimedia Design IIDesign Multimédia 5 João Rosa (1)(2)
Júlio Silva (2)
964452 PostpressTecnologias Gráficas 6 Regina Delfino (1)(2)
964449 Quality ManagementCiências Empresariais 4 Ana Paula Machado (1)(2)
964451 ScreenprintingTecnologias Gráficas 6 Luís Oliveira (1)(2)
2º Semestre
964462 Binding and Conservation of Graphic Documents Tecnologias Gráficas 5 Paula Pinto Pereira (1)(2)
964456 Final ProjectDesign Gráfico 7.5 Maria João Santos (1)
Ana do Carmo (2)
964455 Graphic BudgetingCiências Empresariais 5 Luís Oliveira (1)(2)
964454 Management and StrategyCiências Empresariais 4.5 António Ferreira (1)(2)
964431 Multimedia Design IIIDesign Multimédia 5 João Rosa (1)
Ana do Carmo (2)
964433 Organizational BehaviourCiências Sociais 3 Isabel Ferreira (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


The study programme in Design and Graphic Technology has close links with local and national printing industry and associated press.

Such partnerships materialise in on-site visits, dissemination of relevant events and professional training programs and internships.


Course coordinator

Maria João Bom Mendes dos Santos

Maria João Bom Mendes dos Santos

Gabinete: H212
t.: 969 046 733
ext.: 4212
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Rui Miguel Sardinha Proença

Rui Miguel Sardinha Proença

Gabinete: H213
t.: 249328146
ext.: 4203
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Guiomar Maria Marques Fonseca Cotovio

Guiomar Maria Marques Fonseca Cotovio

Gabinete: I 215
t.: 249 328 237
ext.: 1214 e 01302
endereço de e-mail
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