Ongoing projects
- Strategic project of the Geosciences Centre of Coimbra University, funded by FCT (coord. H. Henriques)
- Projeto MTAS - Moving tasks across shapes: the agro-pastoralists spread towards and from the Alto Ribatejo, funded by FCT (coord. L. Oosterbeek)
- Project H2020 RISE Highlands, funded by the European Commission (resp. IPT L. Santos)
- Project MOVTOUR, financiado pelo programa PORTUGAL 2020 (coord. L. Mota Figueira)
- Project HANDPAS, funded by the European Commission, (coord. H. Collado)
- World Humanities Report, CIPSH project funded by SIDA, Sweeden coord. L. Oosterbeek et al. )
- L’Homme face aux changements climatiques dans la préhistoire et la protohistoire: adaptations et développement durable, UISPP project, funded by the International Academic Union (coord. F. Djindjian, J. Kozlowski)
- Global History of Humanity, CIPSH project
- Strategies of Occupation of the Territory during the Holocene in the Middle Tagus, project approved by Direção Geral do Património Cultural (coord. Davide Delfino e L. Oosterbeek)