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Segurança e Proteção Civil

À Conversa com o Diretor


Course name:  Security and Civil Protection

Degree:  Higher Education Level 5

Diploma: Professional Technician in Security and Civil Protection

Duration: 2 years

School:  Tomar School of Technology

Name of the Director: Maria de Lurdes Belgas da Costa Reis

Director's degree:  Ph.D. in Civil Engineering


What does this Course consist of?

A: The Higher Technical Professional Course in Security and Civil Protection is a training that provides its students with a set of technical and operational knowledge and skills to support leadership in emergency situations, prevention, and risk assessment.

Among the many activities in the field of Civil Protection, this course allows the student to develop safety, protection, and rescue activities, for the coordination and implementation of strategic action plans within the Integrated System of Protection and Rescue Operations (SIOPS).

In addition to the preparation of the future professional to act in the current context, this course prepares its students for the acquisition of the competencies for future scenarios


What skills can students achieve?

Among the various skills that are acquired in the course, the most important are:

-  To participate in the elaboration of strategic plans of response to an emergency;

-  To articulate Civil Protection activities within SIOPS;

-  To participate in operational activities of security, protection, and assistance in emergency situations;

-  Organize the mobilization of material, human and technical resources for a particular emergency scenario;

-  To identify and characterize natural, technological, and mist risks;

-  Participate in the elaboration of forest, environment, and land management projects;

-  To participate in the development of environmental impact studies;

-  To participate in teams for the production and analysis of risk cartography, and other related tasks


Why choose this course?

- This course provides excellent technical training in the field of Security and Civil Protection.

- It allows the integration of students in several companies and entities, to carry out 640 h of training in a work context (Internship).

- It is one of the few national CTeSPs in the field of Civil Protection.

- It has the cooperation of a wide network of important entities in the National Civil Protection panorama, namely ANEPC and ENB, and other entities such as ICNF and ADAI.

- It also collaborates with various companies and municipal councils that, through their civil protection offices, facilitate the implementation of curricular internships.

- It is a multidisciplinary training that allows the evolution and adaptation to various specific training courses in the field of Civil Protection.


Why come to study at the IPT?

- Because it is the only Higher Education Institution, in the country, to offer this specific course - Civil Protection and Security and Civil Protection.

- The teaching staff is dedicated and has a high level of training which is complemented, in the practical component, by ANEPC professionals

- Because the city of Tomar has very good conditions for the students, both at the level of transport and quality of life.

- Because there are good conditions for the practical component of the course.


Which professions in the market are related to this course?

A: All professions directly related to Civil Protection activities, namely:

- Municipal technicians from the Civil Protection Offices;

- Security and Civil Protection Operatives;

- Technicians from consulting and rendering services companies in the area of security and Civil Protection.

- Technicians from fire safety equipment and fire safety products companies

- Agents of passive safety materials or extinguishing agents companies

- Safety and/or risk management consultants

- etc.


May the curriculum of the course be modified?


This course is in its 7th year of existence. During these years the Course Committee has listened to the students, teachers, and entities that have been collaborating in order to update the curriculum of the course, eliminating the CUs considered less interesting for the desired profile and adding new CUs with more attractive and more innovative contents. It was also found to be necessary to decrease the number of contact hours.
The proposed amendment has already been submitted to the DGES and we await the reply.
We are expecting to start the 2023/2024 academic year with the new curriculum.


Does the course operate out of the IPT?


Two classes have been opened, under the PRR, to be taught in Sintra at ENB and EPAV.



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