Publication in the Diário da República: Acta n.º72 CE CC ESGT
6 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 16,0 T + 24,0 TP + 9,0 OT , Cód. 30145.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable
? Understand the basics of digital libraries and archives.
? Understand the nature of information and the need to manage knowledge in the context of information systems
librarians and archivists.
? Identify domains of application.
? Understand and promote the digital representation of information.
? Introduction and development of digital libraries
? Europeana - European library culture
? Digital format and scanning
? Research and information storage in the arts and humanities
? Organizing and cataloging of collections
? Electronic publishing
? Development of digital libraries. Fundamentals and Tools.
? Preservation of digital information
Evaluation Methodology
Distributed evaluation without exam. Students will have the opportunity to develop works in the context of digital
libraries and archives.
- Campos, R. e Silva, V. e Marques, C. e Galvao, A. e Mendes, J. (2009). World Heritage Digital Library.eChallanges e-2009, 1,
- DSpace, D. (0). DSpace Software. Acedido em 30 de junho de 2014 em
- Lesk, M. (2005). Understanding Digital Libraries. (Vol. 1). San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann
- Digital Libraries and Search Engines, the new Information Systems in the context of Digital Preservation.(2007, 17 de maio). EATIS 2007,
Teaching Method
Analysis and resolution of practical cases using (if applicable) tools studied during the course.
Software used in class