Publication in the Diário da República: Bolonha 2008/09 [DR. 20757/2008 07.08.2008]
4 ECTS; 1º Ano, 2º Semestre, 45,0 TP , Cód. 992511.
- Ricardo Jorge Viegas Covas (1)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
At the end of the course, students should have developed a critical
and objective attitude regarding data analysis. In addition, they must
be able to argue and make decisions based on the appropriate
statistical instruments.
I - Descriptive Statistics. II - Probability. III - Sampling. IV - Theory of Estimation. V - Parametric Hypothesis Tests. VI - Regression and Correlation.
Evaluation Methodology
Final written test. A minimum mark of 10 out of 20 exempts students from examination.
- Black, G. e Murteira, B. (1983). Estatística Descritiva. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill
- Ribeiro, C. e Murteira, B. (2010). Introdução à Estatística. Lisboa: Escolar Editora
- Robalo, A. (1998). Estatística - Exercícios. (Vol. I e II). Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
- Sarsfield Cabral, J. e Guimarães, R. (2010). Estatística. Lisboa: Verlag Dashöfer Portugal
Teaching Method
Theoretical-practical classes where beyond the theoretical exposition of the syllabus, practical applications of the topics presented are developed.
Software used in class