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Mestrado em Museus, Património e Sociedade do Conhecimento


Provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme and courses that includes contact with real situations and laboratories experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that permits excellent career opportunities and pursue postgraduate studies.


ECTS: 120
Location: Tomar, Lisboa.


Innovate through the integration of knowledge about Museology, Museography, Heritage and Information and Comunication Technologies (ICT). Nowadays the ICT is a priority for the European comission and also for each of its state members. The european digital agenda for 2020 and the portuguese digital agenda for 2015 are already defined. One of their main goal is qualifiyng the professionals and citizens with digital competences.

The objective of this master is to give digital competences to the cultural sector in order to get new services and new applications to create new ways of interaction and learning.

Students are encouraged to analyse the cultural value of the heritage in a multiple perspective of design of spaces and services, conservation and restauration, architectonic and urban intervention, management territory, regional development, and by using and apllying ICT they may promote new interactive experiences and new knowledge for the citizens/ users .

Condições de Acesso

  • bLearning, classroom and distance.

  • Master Degrees in association with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon (FAUTL) being conferred the Degree of Master by the two institutions: Tomar Polytechnic Institute and University of Lisbon.


Publication in the Diário da República: Acta n.º72 CE CC ESGT

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
30141 Cultural and Artistic Objects - Design of Cultural Projects and Spaces of Knowledge and LeisureMuseologia e Museografia 5
30142 Design of Cultural Projects and Spaces of Knowledge and LeisureMuseologia e Museografia 6
30145 Digital Libraries and ArchivesSociedade do Conhecimento 6
30143 Heritage and Integrated Land ManagementEstudos do Património 5
30146 On-line Learning and Virtual CommunitiesSociedade do Conhecimento 6
30144 Preservation of Architectural and Urban HeritageEstudos do Património 5
2º Semestre
301411 Collection ManagementMuseologia e Museografia 6
301414 Conservation and RestorationEstudos do Património 5
301410 Design and New MuseologyMuseologia e Museografia 6
301413 Heritage Management and Regional DevelopmentEstudos do Património 5
301412 Heritage Protection InstrumentsEstudos do Património 5
301415 Internet - Business and SecuritySociedade do Conhecimento 5
301418 Case StudiesMuseologia e Museografia 3
301416 Cultural Heritage as an Art ProductEstudos do Património 2
30149 Digital Media and ContentsSociedade do Conhecimento 2
30147 Heritage and Museum DevelopmentMuseologia e Museografia 3
30148 Heritage, Museums and Knowledge Society PoliciesSociedade do Conhecimento 2
301417 Human Resources and PlanningEstudos do Património 2


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
301422 Dissertation 42
301423 Project 42
301424 Report 42
1º Semestre
301419 Digital Agenda and Cultural HeritageSociedade do Conhecimento 5
301420 Dissertation/Report PlanMuseologia e Museografia 1

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


 The IPT has been involved in projects such:

- development of the portals of the World Heritage Monasteries of Portugal - Convent of Christ in Tomar, Monastery of Alcobaça, Monastery of Batalha and Monastery of Jerónimos in Lisbon. These monuments are in charge by the Institut of Management of the Architectonic and Archiological Heritage IGESPAR.

- development of the portal of the Popular Art Museum, in partnership with the Institut of Museums and Conservation IMC.

- development of the "Thousand years of wisdom, aplying ICT to the Convent of Christ", in partnership with the enterpreneur VilauNet, Bilbao, Spain.

- Projects funded by the Reference Strategic Portuguese Program (QREN):

1. Plan of ICT to the Levada Museum, Tomar.

2. Network of World Heritage Portuguese Monasteries, as a partnership with the Town Hall of where each monastery is: Tomar CMT, Batalha CMB, AlcobaçaCMA and Lisbon CML, with the IGESPAR and with the Politechnique Institut of Leiria.


Course coordinator

José António Ribeiro Mendes

José António Ribeiro Mendes

Gabinete: B112 Tomar
t.: 249328100
ext.: 2112
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Ricardo Nuno Taborda Campos

Ricardo Nuno Taborda Campos

Gabinete: B111
t.: 249328266
ext.: 2111
endereço de e-mail
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