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Plastic Arts - Painting and Intermedia


Provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme and courses that includes contact with real situations and laboratories experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that permits excellent career opportunities and pursue postgraduate studies.


ECTS: 180


The degree in Plastic Arts - Painting and Intermedia confers a higher-level comprehensive professional profile qualifying the graduates to perform their professional activities with accuracy and actuality in the different domains of culture, particularly in the plastic arts domain. Both areas provide a whole set of skills designed so as to provide a wide range of career opportunities in similar circumstances to those offered by renowned European higher education institutions.

Professional Goals

The career prospects for plastic artists graduated from IPT include the following possibilities: sculptor, painter, technical drawer, animator-animation movies, creative draftsman (advertising), illustrator, cultural journalist, engraver, screen printer, audiovisual technician and photographer.

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
96431 Introduction to Plastic ArtsPintura 20
1º Semestre
96433 Art History IEstudos de Arte 7
96434 Colour StudiesPintura 3
96432 Drawing as a Thinking ToolDesenho 8
96435 Spatial Representation SystemsDesenho 2
2º Semestre
96437 Art History IIEstudos de Arte 7
96438 Artistic MethodologyPintura 2
96439 Digital Spatial Representation ProcessesDesenho 3
96436 Drawing IDesenho 8


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
964311 Drawing IIDesenho 14
964310 Painting Pintura 18
1º Semestre
964314 Aesthetics IEstudos de Arte 3
964313 Art History IIIEstudos de Arte 3
964312 Art and Composition StudiesEstudos de Arte 4
964315 Art and Natural Environment (Human Figure)Desenho 4
2º Semestre
964318 Aesthetics IIEstudos de Arte 3
964317 Art History IVEstudos de Arte 3
964319 Art and Natural Environment (Landscape)Pintura 4
964316 Image Theory and CriticismEstudos de Arte 4


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
964322 Contemporary Art Seminars Estudos de Arte 6
964321 Drawing ProjectDesenho 10
964328 Illustration and Scientific Illustration (Optional)Desenho 10
964326 Installation and Art in Public Space (Optional)Estudos de Arte 10
964327 Museum Services and Curatorship (Optional)Estudos de Arte 10
964320 Painting ProjectPintura 20
964325 Photography and Video (Optional)Tecnologias Oficinais 10
964323 Portuguese Art History Estudos de Arte 4

Publication in the Diário da República: Ext Ata Reun n.23 CTC-ESTT

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
964333 Art History and Theories IEstudos de Arte 4
964334 Colour StudiesPintura 3
964332 Drawing as an Instrument of ThoughtDesenho 8
964335 Introduction to Art ProjectPintura 3
96431 Introduction to Plastic ArtsPintura 10
96435 Spatial Representation SystemsDesenho 2
2º Semestre
964337 Art History and Theories IIEstudos de Arte 4
96438 Artistic MethodologyPintura 4
96439 Digital Spatial Representation ProcessesDesenho 4
96436 Drawing IDesenho 8
964336 Painting IPintura 10


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
964314 Aesthetics IEstudos de Arte 4
964312 Art and Composition StudiesEstudos de Arte 4
964339 Art and Natural Environment - Human FigureDesenho 4
964311 Drawing IIDesenho 8
964338 Painting IIPintura 10
2º Semestre
964318 Aesthetics IIEstudos de Arte 4
964342 Art and Natural Environment - LandscapeDesenho 4
964341 Drawing IIDesenho 8
964316 Image Theory and CriticismEstudos de Arte 4
964340 Painting IIIPintura 10


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
964321 Drawing ProjectDesenho 16
964320 Painting ProjectPintura 20
1º Semestre
964343 Contemporary Art Seminars IEstudos de Arte 4
964349 Option IEstudos de Arte 4
964350 Option IIOutras 4
2º Semestre
964344 Contemporary Art Seminars IEstudos de Arte 4
964351 Option IIIEstudos de Arte 4
964352 Option IV 4

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Course coordinator

Vitor Dinis Carita de Jesus

Vitor Dinis Carita de Jesus

Gabinete: H 207
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Maria Joana Velez Pacheco de Amorim de Sousa Guedes

Maria Joana Velez Pacheco de Amorim de Sousa Guedes

endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Margarida Maria Tiago Mendes da Fonseca

Margarida Maria Tiago Mendes da Fonseca

Gabinete: I 201
ext.: 6202
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Tânia Cláudia Soares e Esteves

Tânia Cláudia Soares e Esteves

Gabinete: G 171
t.: 249 328100
ext.: 01322
endereço de e-mail
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