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Chemical Technology

Ano Letivo: 2015/16
We build competencies!


Provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme and courses that includes contact with real situations and laboratories experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that permits excellent career opportunities and pursue postgraduate studies.


ECTS: 120
Location: Tomar.


This course of study includes:

  • A master´s program organised into modules corresponding to 76 ECTS credits;
  • An original project or a professional internship including final report corresponding to 44 ECTS credits.

This master's degree was designed so as to develop skills in the following technical-scientific areas: Chemical Technology (62 compulsory and 12 optional ECTS credits); Industrial Processes (12 compulsory and 16 optional ECTS credits); Environment and Quality (12 compulsory ECTS credits); Physical and Inorganic Chemistry (6 compulsory ECTS credits); Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology (6 compulsory ECTS credits); Mathematics (6 compulsory ECTS credits).

Professional Goals

Holders of the master´s degree in Chemical Technology are prepared to perform as:

  • Production managers or production assistant managers within chemical and biological industries;
  • Manager or assistant managers of industrial premises related with chemical technology such as industrial utilities and industrial wastewater treatment plants;
  • Members of multidisciplinary teams for the creation, implementation or optimisation of chemical and biological industries;
  • Director or middle manager within independent or auxiliary chemical and biological laboratories;

Condições de Acesso

According to the Portuguese Law, the following candidates are eligible for entry to the course of study leading to the Mestre degree:
  • Holders of a licenciadodegree or legally equivalent corresponding to the first cycle of higher education;
  • Holders of a foreign higher degree awarded on completion of a first-cycle programme organised in the framework of the Bologna Process;
  • Holders of a foreign higher degree which is deemed by the Technical-Scientific Committee of ESTT-IPT to meet the requirements of a licenciado degree.
  • Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum which is deemed by the Technical/Scientific Committee of ESTT-IPT as appropriate to access the programme.

The candidates who have, in the preceding year, completed the bachelor´s degree (licenciatura) in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering or the degree in Environmental and Biological Engineering offered by the School of Technology-IPT have direct access to the master´s programme in Chemical Technology.

Without prejudice to the general entry requirements, the following candidates are accepted for entry onto the master´s degree in Chemical Technology subject to admission quotas:

  • Holders of a licenciado degree or equivalent in chemical and biological technology related areas such as chemical, biochemical, food, environmental and others;
  • Holders of a foreign higher degree in chemical and biological technology areas awarded on completion of a first-cycle programme organised in the framework of the Bologna Process;
  • Holders of a foreign higher degree in chemical and biological technology which is deemed by the ESTT/IPT Technical-Scientific Committee to meet the requirements of a licenciado degree.
  • Holders of a bacharel degree in chemical and biological areas whose scientific and professional curriculum is deemed by the ESTT-IPT Scientific-Technical Committee as appropriate to access this course of study;
  • Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum in chemical and biological areas which is deemed by the ESTT-IPT Scientific-Technical Committee as appropriate to access this course of study.
  • Accrual of credits to candidates holding a licenciado degree in chemical engineering or similar programs prior to the Bologna process with a duration equivalent to 300 ECTS credits (5 years of study) is formally analysed on a case-to-case basis.


Ano Letivo: 2015/16
Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
300102 Complements of Transport PhenomenaTecnologia Química 6
300103 Heterogeneous Reactors and CatalysisTecnologia Química 6
300101 Mathematics and ComputingMatemática 6
300104 Polymers and Macromolecular ChemistryQuímica Orgânica e Biotecnologia 6
300105 Surface and Interface ChemistryProcessos Industriais, Química Física e Inorgânica 6
2º Semestre
300106 Advanced Chemical ProcessesProcessos Industriais 6
300108 Advanced Separation ProcessesProcessos Industriais 6
300110 Industrial Management and PlanningAmbiente e Qualidade 6
300109 Process Dynamics and ControlProcessos Industriais 6
300107 Process OptimisationProcessos Industriais 6


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
300113 Master's Final ProjectTecnologia Química 44
1º Semestre
300115 Ambiente e Qualidade 4
300111 Bioprocess EngineeringTecnologia Química 6
300112 Environmental EngineeringAmbiente e Qualidade 6
300114 Materials Science and TechnologyProcessos Industriais 4
300116 Sustainability PoliciesProcessos Industriais 4

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 10765/2011 - 30/08/2011

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
300102 Complements of Transport PhenomenaTecnologia Química 6 Henrique Pinho (2)
300103 Heterogeneous Reactors and CatalysisTecnologia Química 6 José Manuel Quelhas Antunes (2)
300101 Mathematics and ComputingMatemática 6 Luís Merca (2)
José Manuel Quelhas Antunes (2)
300104 Polymers and Macromolecular ChemistryQuímica Orgânica e Biotecnologia 6 Cecília Baptista (2)
300105 Surface and Interface ChemistryQuímica Física e Inorgânica 6 Valentim Nunes (2)
2º Semestre
300106 Advanced Chemical ProcessesProcessos Industriais 6 Henrique Pinho (2)
300108 Advanced Separation ProcessesProcessos Industriais 6 Paula Portugal (2)
300124 Agri-Food SciencesTecnologia Química 6 Paula Portugal (2)
Dina Mateus (2)
300125 Environment and EnergyProcessos Industriais 6 Paulo Coelho (2)
Henrique Pinho (2)
Valentim Nunes (2)
300110 Industrial Management and PlanningAmbiente e Qualidade 6 Natércia Santos (2)
300109 Process Dynamics and ControlProcessos Industriais 6
300107 Process OptimisationProcessos Industriais 6


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
300122 Internship/PlacementTecnologia Química 44 Isabel Nogueira (2)
Dina Mateus (2)
300121 ProjectTecnologia Química 44 Henrique Pinho (2)
Dina Mateus (2)
1º Semestre
300111 Bioprocess EngineeringTecnologia Química 6 Dina Mateus (2)
300131 Elective ModuleOutras 4
300127 ElectrochemistryProcessos Industriais 4
300130 EntrepreneurshipProcessos Industriais 4
300112 Environmental EngineeringAmbiente e Qualidade 6 Cecília Baptista (2)
Marco Cartaxo (2)
Rui Sant'Ovaia (2)
300114 Materials Science and TechnologyProcessos Industriais 4 Isabel Nogueira (2)
300126 Process Design and InnovationProcessos Industriais 4
300116 Sustainability PoliciesProcessos Industriais 4

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 2126/2019 - 01/03/2019

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
300102 Complements of Transport PhenomenaTecnologia Química 6
300103 Heterogeneous Reactors and CatalysisTecnologia Química 6
300101 Mathematics and ComputingMatemática 6
300104 Polymers and Macromolecular ChemistryQuímica Orgânica e Biotecnologia 6
300105 Surface and Interface ChemistryQuímica Física e Inorgânica 6
2º Semestre
300106 Advanced Chemical ProcessesProcessos Industriais 6
300108 Advanced Separation ProcessesProcessos Industriais 6
300124 Agri-Food SciencesTecnologia Química 6
300125 Environment and EnergyProcessos Industriais 6
300110 Industrial Management and PlanningAmbiente e Qualidade 6
300109 Process Dynamics and ControlProcessos Industriais 6
300107 Process OptimisationProcessos Industriais 6


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
300129 DissertationTecnologia Química 44
300122 Internship/PlacementTecnologia Química 44
300121 ProjectTecnologia Química 44
1º Semestre
300111 Bioprocess EngineeringTecnologia Química 6
300131 Elective ModuleOutras 4
300127 ElectrochemistryProcessos Industriais 4
300130 EntrepreneurshipProcessos Industriais 4
300112 Environmental EngineeringAmbiente e Qualidade 6
300114 Materials Science and TechnologyProcessos Industriais 4
300126 Process Design and InnovationProcessos Industriais 4
300116 Sustainability PoliciesProcessos Industriais 4

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


 The master course in Chemical Technology has a high number of partnerships such as:
  • Caima-Indústria de Celulose, S.A. (Constância);
  • Centro Tecnológico da Cerâmica e do Vidro (Coimbra);
  • Departamento de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Aberta (Lisboa);
  • Departamento de Engenharia Química e Biológica, Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisboa);
  • Departamento de Química, Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra);
  • Enviroil II-Reciclagem de Óleos Usados, Lda. (Torres Novas);
  • Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Coimbra, Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (Coimbra);
  • Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra);
  • Fernanda Galo Laboratórios de Análises, Lda. (Tomar);
  • Iber Oleff – Componentes Técnicos em Plástico, S.A. (Pombal);
  • LINE.IPT - Laboratório de Inovação Industrial e Empresarial do IPT (Tomar/Abrantes);
  • Pegop - Energia Elétrica, S.A. (Abrantes);
  • Sociedade Lusitana de Destilação, S.A. (Torres Novas);
  • Victor Guedes – Indústria e Comércio, S.A. (Abrantes).


Course coordinator

Dina Maria Ribeiro Mateus

Dina Maria Ribeiro Mateus

Gabinete: J213
t.: 249328100
ext.: 6206
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Valentim Maria Brunheta Nunes

Valentim Maria Brunheta Nunes

Gabinete: J207
t.: +351 249328162
ext.: 6207
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Guiomar Maria Marques Fonseca Cotovio

Guiomar Maria Marques Fonseca Cotovio

Gabinete: I 215
t.: 249 328 237
ext.: 1214 e 01302
endereço de e-mail
Ano Letivo: 2015/16
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