The 6th Luso-Brazilian Congress on Human Rights in the Information Society - Cultural heritage as an environmental resource and a landscape management tool in the light of information society” will take place in the Convento de Cristo 12-14 February 2019 in Tomar.
12 February 2019
12 February 2019 (Lobby of the José Bayolo Pacheco de Amorim lecture hall in the IPT campus)
5:00pm - Welcome session
5:15pm - Poster presentation and discussion
13 February 2019
10:00am - Opening
10:30am - Constitutional jurisdiction of cultural environment in information society: from public resource in dictatorship to environmental resource in a democratic regime. Professor CELSO ANTONIO PACHECO FIORILLO Academy of Human Rights. Master’s degree in Law from UNINOVE - São Paulo (Brazil).
11:00am - From Prometheus to Eve: the right to critical knowledge as a fundamental right to full citizenship. Professor LUIZ OOSTERBEEK, IPT-UNESCO Chair in Humanities and Cultural Management. Instituto Politécnico de Tomar/Mação (Portugal)
11:30am - Sustainability and cultural heritage as environmental, social and economic resource. Professor PAULO MARCIO CRUZ, PhD/Master’s in Law Science from the Vale do Itajaí University (Santa Catarina- BRAZIL).
12:00am - Information Society: (re)construction of inclusive democracy from the state-network dichotomy. Professor ORIDES MEZZAROBA, PhD/Master’s in Law from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (BRAZIL).
12:30pm - Lunch
13:30pm - Freedom of speech and the dissemination of fake news in the world wide web. Professor MARCELO ANTONIO THEODORO, Master’s in Law from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (Brazil)
2:00pm - Information Society: Human Rights and the GDPR. Professor CARLOS ALBERTO MOLINARO, PhD/Master in Law from PUC Rio Grande do Sul (BRAZIL).
2:30pm - Genetic Heritage and Future Generations. Professor STELA MARCOS DE ALMEIDA NEVES BARBAS, PhD in Law from the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (PORTUGAL).
3:00pm - Cultural Heritage and Tourism: the impact of information society and international mobility in the development of its legal framework. Professor DULCE LOPES, Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra (PORTUGAL).
15:30pm - Fiscal citizenship in the era of information society. Professor DENISE LUCENA CAVALCANTE, PhD/Master from the Federal University of Ceará (BRAZIL).
4:00PM - Legal and Cultural constitution: Environmental heritage? Professor VIVIANE COELHO DE SELLOS KNOERR; Prof. FERNANDO GUSTAVO KNOERR, Master in Law from the Curitiba University Centre (Paraná-BRAZIL).
4:30pm - Coffee Break
5:00pm - Between conservation and enhancement: the globalisation of environmental heritage and the responsibility of transnational enterprises. Professor JANIA MARIA LOPES SALDANHA, Master’s in Law from the Federal University of Santa Maria (Rio Grande do Sul - BRAZIL).
5:30pm - The CLT as a cultural benchmark and the labour reform in the face of human dignity. Professor GEORGENOR de SOUZA FRANCO FILHO, Master’s in Law from the University of the Amazon (Pará-BRAZIL)
6:00pm -The new fundamental rights of the RGDP (data protection regime). Professor IRENE PORTELA, Polytechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave (PORTUGAL)
6:30pm - Common property of mankind in the perspective of fraternal law. Professor SANDRA REGINA MARTINI, visiting professor to the postgraduate programme in Law at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
14 February 2019
9:00am - Legal information in the digital era. Professor EDUARDO VERA CRUZ, Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (PORTUGAL).
9:30am - Deterritorialisation, identities and affirmation of cultural rights in the information society. Professor FLAVIO AHMED, FGV Law School - Rio de Janeiro (BRAZIL)
10:00am - Democracy in the era of information society Professor LOIANE DA PONTE SOUZA PRADO VERBICARO, Master’s in Law from the University Centre of Pará (BRAZIL).
10:30 - Education and socio-environmental sustainability: from the ECO 92 paradigm to the present time. Professor MARIA CREUSA DE ARAUJO BORGES, PhD/Master’s in Law from the Federal University of Paraíba (BRAZIL).
11:00am - Between ICT and human rights: the contribution of the theory of ecosystem services to determine the subjective value of (natural and cultural) heritage and protect human rights. Professor ALEXANDRA ARAGÃO, Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra.
11:30am - The regulation of smart environments, particularly involving cultural heritage and tourism.
Professor MANUEL DAVID RODRIGUES MASSENO, Master in Computer Engineering Security from the Instituto Politécnico de Beja (PORTUGAL).
12:00am - Environmental mediation: challenges and future trends. Professor CATIA MARQUES CEBOLA, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (PORTUGAL).
12:30am - Urban Law as a tool for supervising Cultural Heritage and Human Rights. Professor ADIR UBALDO RECH, PhD/Master’s in Law, Caxias do Sul (BRAZIL).
1:00pm - Lunch
2:30pm - Comparative analysis of legal protection of underwater archaeological heritage within national jurisdiction in Brazil and in Portugal. MILENA MALTESE ZUFFO, Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo – Brazil.
2:15pm - Disruptive technologies in the information society: participation and integration mechanisms as tools for sustainable urban development in the light of Brazilian law. Professor LAURA MAGALHÃES DE ANDRADE, Universidade Federal Fluminense - Brazil and Vigo University – Spain.
3:00pm - El desafío global ante los derechos humanos de cuarta generación para el sector empresarial. Professor SILVIA VILAR GONZÁLEZ, Universidad Jaume I (Castellón de la Plana) – Spain.
3:15pm - The conciliation and mediation as forms of accessing justice and enhancement of citizenship: the case of the activity of judiciary centre for the resolution of conflicts in the judicial district of Garças-MT. Professor Renata Silva Oliveira Galvão, Specialist ANNA CAROLINA REBALETTO, Faculty of Applied Legal and Social Sciences of Araguaia – FACISA – Brazil.
3:30pm - Human and non-human in the game of deliberative democracy: the dignity of life in the discourse of participative civil society in the information era. Professor KAREN ANTONIAZZI WOLF, Federal University of Santa Maria – Brazil.
3:45pm - Crypto coins: new challenges of the Brazilian tax system in the information society. Professor JULIANA DE OLIVEIRA, UNOESC - Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina – Brazil
4:00pm - Coffee Break
4:20pm - Principle of intergenerational equity and indigenous languages: a necessary dialogue in the information society. Professor MARCI ANDREA BÜHRING, Ucs-Caxias do Sul University and Puc-Rs - Pontifícia Universidade Católica Rio Grande Do Sul - Rs – Brazil.
Professor ÂNGELA UTZIG, Caxias do Sul University – Brazil.
4:35pm - The migrant unattractiveness and its effects of xenophobia: the case of the Venezuelan in Roraima. Professor FERNANDA ARAÚJO DA SILVA, UFC (Federal University of Ceará) – Brazil.
4:50pm - The influence of criminalisation agencies in long-term imprisonment. Professor LARISSA AMARAL ESTEVES, Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (PORTUGAL).
5:05pm - Cultural heritage jurisdiction as an environmental asset in the context of human rights in the information society. Professor WILLIAM MARQUES JÚNIOR, UFC (Federal University of Ceará) – Brazil.
• UNESCO Chair in Humanities and Integrated Landscape Management, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (Portugal)
• Human Rights Academy, São Paulo, (Brazil)
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