Jorge Simões, Director
Carla Joaquim, Secretary;
The Departmental Unit of Business Sciences (UDCE) groups the technical-scientific domains of Management, Accounting, Finance and Marketing. It corresponds to the existing definition, since the beginning, as a scientific and disciplinary aspect of IPT. The teachers who are part of the unit have training and a curriculum in their respective fields. This Departmental Unit is oriented, in terms of teaching and service provision, towards the different sectoral areas of Business Sciences. In terms of applied research, its intersectoral synergies should be taken advantage of or in partnership with other departmental units or scientific domains to be defined by the Unit, collaborating, on a recurring basis, in various research projects and, through its teachers, integrating several research centers investigation internal and external to IPT. UDCE, as a permanent staff, is made up of 13 Assistant Professors. The main scientific areas are: Management, Accounting, Finance and Marketing.
Telephone - +351249328100
Ext. - 1213
Cabinet - Divisão de Recursos Humanos - Tomar - Campus