Smart Cities Research Center
International Conferences
Amorim, E., A. Ribeiro, B. Santana, I. Cantante, A. Jorge, S. Nunes, P. Silvano, A. Leal, and R. Campos (2021). “Brat2Viz: a Tool and Pipeline for Visualizing Narratives from Annotated Texts”. In: Proceedings of Text2Story — Fourth Workshop on Narrative Extraction From Texts held in conjunction with the 43rd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2021).
Berrojo, L., F. Veljkovic, A. Alvaro, V. Lebre, P. Ayzac, K. Tukkiniemi, J. Guilherme, N. Horta, R. Povoa, L. Berti, G. Thys, D. Baramilis, and Y. Dupret (2021). “PROMISE, PROgrammable MIxed Signal ASIC Electronics Framework”. In: 8th International Workshop on Analogue and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits for Space Applications (AMICSA 2021).
Cartaxo, M., J. Fernandes, M. Gomes, H. Pinho, V. Nunes, and P. Coelho (2021). “Hydrogen production via wastewater electrolysis – an integrated approach review”. In: The 6th Smart City Applications International Conference (SCA2021).
Furbo, S., B. Perers, J. Dragsted, J. Gomes, M. Gomes, P. Coelho, H. Yıldızhan, Ä. H. Yilmaz, B. Aksay, A. Bozkurt, D. Cabral, S. Hosouli, A. Hayati, J. KaziukonytÄ—, E. Sapeliauskas, and R. Kaliasas (2021). “Best practices for PVT technology”. In: International Solar Energy Society Solar World Congress (SWC) 2021. , pp. 1-10.
Jardim, S., C. Mora, and T. Santana (2021). “A Multilingual Lexicon-based Approach for Sentiment Analysis in Social and Cultural Information System Data”. In: 2021 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). Chaves, Portugal: IEEE, pp. 1-6. ISBN: 978-989-54659-1-0. DOI: 10.23919/CISTI52073.2021.9476631. <URL:>.
Mora, C., S. Jardim, and J. Valente (2021). “Flora Generation and Evolution Algorithm for Virtual Environments”. In: 2021 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). Chaves, Portugal: IEEE, pp. 1-6. ISBN: 978-989-54659-1-0. DOI: 10.23919/CISTI52073.2021.9476450. <URL:>.
Nunes, V., M. Lourenço, F. Santos, and C. N. de Castro (2021). “The Thermal and Transport Properties of Molten Metals & Alloys”. In: International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Applied Science. Osmaniye, Turkey, pp. 190-197.
Panda, R., H. Redinho, C. Gonçalves, R. Malheiro, and R. P. Paiva (2021). “How Does the Spotify API Compare to the Music Emotion Recognition State-of-the-Art?”. In: Proceedings of the 18th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC 2021). Ed. by D. A. Mauro, S. Spagnol and A. Valle. Axea sas/SMC Network, pp. 238-245. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5045100.
Pereira, R., L. Garrote, T. Barros, A. Lopes, and U. J. Nunes (2021). “A Deep Learning-based Indoor Scene Classification Approach Enhanced with Inter-Object Distance Semantic Features”. In: 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Prague, Czech Republic: IEEE, pp. 32-38. ISBN: 978-1-6654-1714-3. DOI: 10.1109/IROS51168.2021.9636242. <URL:>.
Sato, M., A. Jatowt, Y. Duan, R. Campos, and M. Yoshikawa (2021). “Estimating Contemporary Relevance of Past News”. In: 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL). IEEE, pp. 70-79. ISBN: 978-1-6654-1770-9. DOI: 10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00019. <URL:>.
Campos, R., A. Jorge, A. Jatowt, and S. Bhatia (2020). “The 3rd International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts: Text2Story 2020”. In: Advances in Information Retrieval. European Conference on Information Retrieval 2020 (part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series). Vol. 12036. Springer, pp. 648-653. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-45442-5_86. <URL:>.
Coelho, A. S. and O. Martins (2020). “Food loss & waste in Europe”. In: 19th International Congress on Public and Nonprofit Marketing - Sustainability: new challenges for marketing and socioeconomic development. <URL:>.
Coelho, A., J. Costa, F. Costa, F. Machado, and O. Martins (2020). “Bringing learning and entertainment across challenges: an application of game”. In: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN20). , pp. 4654-4659. DOI: 10.21125/edulearn.2020.1226. <URL:>.
Coelho, A., J. Costa, F. Pedro, L. Francisco, J. Simões, and O. Martins (2020). “Methodology: a way to differentiate significant from intuitive responses”. In: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN20). , pp. 5003-5008. DOI: 10.21125/edulearn.2020.1307. <URL:>.
Costa, M. C., A. Manso, P. Santos, J. Patr'icio, F. Vital, G. Rocha, and B. Alegria (2020). “An augmented reality information system designed to promote STEM education”. In: 22th International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE 2020). <URL:>.
Costa, M. C., P. Santos, A. Manso, H. Simões, and V. Marçal (2020). “Modelling the Solar System: Innovative Resources in a Digital Era”. In: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. , pp. 8417-8424. DOI: 10.21125/edulearn.2020.2068. <URL:>.
Ferreira, C. and M. C. Costa (2020). “Aprendizagem por interação experimental: uma experiência pedagógica na área do som”. In: XI Congreso Ibérico de Acústica / 51º Congreso Español de Acústica. Faro, Portugal. <URL:>.
Gandhi, S., B. Mansouri, R. Campos, and A. Jatowt (2020). “Event-Related Query Classification with Deep Neural Networks”. In: Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2020. New York, NY, USA: ACM, pp. 324-330. ISBN: 9781450370240. DOI: 10.1145/3366424.3382183. <URL:>.
Manso, A., C. G. Marques, P. Santos, and V. Alencar (2020). “Plagiarism Detection in Algorithms - a Case Study Using Algorithmi”. In: 22th International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE 2020). , pp. 1-6. <URL:>.
Martins, O., A. S. Coelho, and R. Loureiro (2020). “Food loss & waste review”. In: 19th International Congress on Public and Nonprofit Marketing - Sustainability: new challenges for marketing and socioeconomic development.
Martins, O., A. S. Coelho, and T. L. Mateus (2020). “Re-Food: a collaborative movement based on volunteers networking”. In: 19th International Congress on Public and Nonprofit Marketing - Sustainability: new challenges for marketing and socioeconomic development.
Nunes, V. M. B., M. J. V. Lourenço, F. J. V. Santos, and C. A. Nieto de Castro (2020). “Guidelines About the Thermophysical Properties of the Ternary Eutectic of Molten Carbonates”. In: 3rd International Conference on Technology and Science. Antalya, Turkey, pp. 170-177.
Pereira, R., T. Barros, L. Garrote, A. Lopes, and U. J. Nunes (2020). “An Experimental Study of the Accuracy vs Inference Speed of RGB-D Object Recognition in Mobile Robotics”. In: 2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). Naples, Italy: IEEE, pp. 588-595. ISBN: 978-1-7281-6075-7. DOI: 10.1109/RO-MAN47096.2020.9223562. <URL:>.
Pereira, R., N. Goncalves, L. Garrote, T. Barros, A. Lopes, and U. J. Nunes (2020). “Deep-Learning based Global and Semantic Feature Fusion for Indoor Scene Classification”. In: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC). Ponta Delgada, Portugal: IEEE, pp. 67-73. ISBN: 978-1-7281-7078-7. DOI: 10.1109/ICARSC49921.2020.9096068. <URL:>.
Bandeiras, F., E. Pinheiro, M. Gomes, P. Coelho, and J. Fernandes (2019). “Review of the cooperation and operation of microgrid clusters”. In: International Conference on Emerging and Renewable Energy (ICEREGA’19).
Cartaxo, M. A. M., M. Rosa, I. Nogueira, V. M. B. Nunes, H. J. O. Pinho, and D. M. R. Mateus (2019). “Solid waste valorisation for wastewater treatment processes”. In: Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities, 5th International Conference.
Costa, M. C., A. Manso, and J. Patr'icio (2019a). “A Gamified Mobile Augmented Reality System for the Teaching of Astronomical Concepts”. In: 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI).
Costa, M. C., A. Manso, and J. Patr'icio (2019b). “Design of a mobile augmented reality game in the framework of problem-based learning”. In: 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.
Costa, M. C., A. Manso, J. Patr'icio, A. Carvalho, V. Zitulins, and B. Alegria (2019). “An augmented reality platform targeted to promote learning about Planetary Systems”. In: 21st International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE). Tomar.
Cruz, A., G. Pires, A. Lopes, and U. J. Nunes (2019). “Detection of Stressful Situations Using GSR While Driving a BCI-controlled Wheelchair”. In: 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). , pp. 1651-1656.
Farinha, D., J. Dias, P. Neves, K. Pereira, C. Ferreira, and G. Pires (2019). “Assistive Robotic Hand Orthosis (ARHO) controlled with EMG: evaluation of a preliminary prototype”. In: 2019 IEEE 6th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering (ENBENG).
Figueiredo, J., G. Gordalina, P. Correia, G. Pires, L. Oliveira, R. Martinho, R. Rijo, P. Assunção, A. Seco, and R. Fonseca-Pinto (2019). “Recognition of human activity based on sparse data collected from smartphone sensors”. In: 2019 IEEE 6th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering (ENBENG).
Fonseca-Pinto, R., R. Rijo, P. Assunção, M. A. Seco, M. P. Guarino, C. Braga-Pontes, D. Gomes, B. Carreira, P. Correia, L. Oliveira, G. Pires, C. Leitão, A. Antunes, F. Januário, and R. Martinho (2019). “Prescribe and Monitor Physical Activity Through a Community-Based eHealth Program: MOVIDA Platform”. In: International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering (CMBEBIH 2019). Part of the IFMBE Proceedings book series. , pp. 13-19. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-17971-7_3. <URL:>.
Gomes, D., F. Fernandes, E. Castro, and G. Pires (2019). “Head-movement interface for wheelchair driving based on inertial sensors”. In: 2019 IEEE 6th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering (ENBENG).
Grilo, L. M. (2019). “An application of SEM in Social and Health Sciences using different estimation methods”. In: 13th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation (WSMC13).
Grilo, L. M. and H. L. Grilo (2019). “PLS-SEM to evaluate the impact of stress and work family conflict on the burnout syndrome”. In: 8th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Design of Experiments (ICRA8).
Grilo, L. M., A. Mubayi, K. Dinkel, B. Amdouni, J. Ren, and M. Bhakta (2019). “The impact of psychosocial stressors on college students’ wellbeing: A case study with application of PLS-SEM”. In: VI Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods (VI WCDANM).
Grilo, L. M., H. Sol, and J. P. Coelho (2019). “A data driven approach on the importance of Film Tourism”. In: 10th International Conference on Economy and Management Transformation (EMT19).
Guilherme, J. and N. Horta (2019). “A 302 uW CMOS Temperature Sensor to compensate frequency drift for an oscillator”. In: 9th Annual Industrial Automation and Electromechanical Engineering Conference (IEMECON).
Jatowt, A. R., R. Campos, S. Bhowmick, and A. Doucet (2019). “Document in Context of Time (DICT): System that Provides Temporal Context for Analyzing Old Documents”. In: 28th ACM International Conference on Knowledge Management (CIKM’19).
Manso, A., M. C. Costa, J. Patr'icio, and A. A. Carvalho (2019). “PlanetarySystemGO: An augmented reality application to explore the Universe”. In: 15th China-Europe International Symposium on Software Engineering Education.
Manso, A., C. G. Marques, P. Santos, L. Lopes, and R. Guedes (2019). “Algorithmi: Bridging the Algorithms to Natural and Programming Languages”. In: 15th China-Europe International Symposium on Software Engineering Education.
Mansouri, B., M. Zahedi, R. Campos, and M. Farhoodi (2019). “Exploring Video Gamers’ Search Behavior”. In: The Web Conference 2019 (WWW2019).
Marques, C. G., A. Manso, L. M. Grilo, A. P. Ferreira, and A. A. Carvalho (2019). “Statistical analysis of reading results with Letrinhas software. A case study in primary schools in Portugal”. In: VI Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods (VI WCDANM).
Mateus, D. M. R., H. J. O. Pinho, I. Nogueira, M. Rosa, M. A. M. Cartaxo, and B. M. Valentim (2019). “Participation of Students in the Research Project Valorbio: A Case Study to Accelerate the Implementation of Sustainable Development Principles in the Curriculum”. In: Symposium Accelerating the Implementation of Sustainable Development in the Curriculum. Ed. by D. M. R. Mateus, H. J. O. Pinho, I. M. D. P. Nogueira, M. A. N. H. Rosa, M. A. M. Cartaxo and V. M. B.
Mendes, D., D. Jorge, G. Pires, R. Panda, R. António, P. Dias, and L. Oliveira (2019). “VITASENIOR-MT: A distributed and scalable cloud-based telehealth solution”. In: 2019 IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT).
Pinheiro, E., F. Bandeiras, M. Gomes, P. Coelho, and J. Fernandes (2019). “Study of the cooperation among multiple microgrids in islanded operation mode”. In: International Conference on Emerging and Renewable Energy (ICEREGA’19).
Bandeiras, F., M. Gomes, P. Coelho, and J. Fernandes (2018a). “Net Zero Energy for Industrial and Commercial Microgrids: Approaches and Challenges”. In: 2nd International Research Conference on Sustainable Energy, Engineering, Materials and Environment (IRCSEEME’18). Vol. 2. 23. Mieres, p. 1472. DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2231472. <URL:>.
Bandeiras, F., M. Gomes, P. Coelho, and J. Fernandes (2018b). “Towards Net Zero Energy in All-Electric Industrial and Commercial Buildings”. In: 6th International Conference on Emerging and Renewable Energy: Generation and Automation (ICEREGA Ì18). Sousse, pp. 28-30.
Canelas, A., R. Póvoa, R. Martins, N. Lourenco, J. Guilherme, and N. Horta (2018). “A 20 DB Gain Two-Stage Low-Noise Amplifier with High Yield for 5 GHz Applications”. In: 2018 15th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD). Prague: IEEE, pp. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-5386-5153-7. DOI: 10.1109/SMACD.2018.8434917. <URL:>.
Conceição, J., A. Vieira, and R. Santos (2018). “Maintenance Management Challenges for the region of Médio Tejo”. In: Maintenance, Performance, Measurement and Management (MPMM 2018) - The Future of Maintenance. Coimbra, pp. 45-50.
Cruz, A., G. Pires, and U. J. Nunes (2018). “Generalization of ErrP-calibration for different error-rates in P300-based BCIs”. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). , pp. 644-649.
Cruz, R., L. Garrote, A. Lopes, and U. J. Nunes (2018). “Modular software architecture for human-robot interaction applied to the InterBot mobile robot”. In: Proc. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC). Torres Vedras.
Gomes, A., Ã. Santos, C. Alcobia, C. Páris, D. Rasteiro, E. Bigotte, F. Moita, F. Carvalho, G. Pires, J. Lains, P. Amaro, and L. Roseiro (2018). “Development of a Biomechanical Bike with Assistive Technologies to Be Used for Rehabilitation”. In: International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications. , pp. 968-973.
Gordalina, G., J. Figueiredo, R. Martinho, R. Rijo, P. Correia, P. Assunção, A. Seco, G. Pires, L. Oliveira, and R. Fonseca-Pinto (2018). “Tracking Human Routines Towards Adaptive Monitoring: The Movida.Domus Platform”. In: HCist2018 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies. Elsevier, pp. 41-48.
Granja, R., M. Santos, J. Guilherme, and N. Horta (2018). “11.7b Time-To-Digital Converter with 0.82ps resolution in 130nm CMOS Technology”. In: 2018 14th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME). Prague: IEEE, pp. 29-32. ISBN: 978-1-5386-5387-6. DOI: 10.1109/PRIME.2018.8430374. <URL:>.
Mateus, D. M. R. and H. J. O. Pinho (2018). “Screening of Solid Waste as Filler Material for Constructed Wetlands”. In: 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. Prague.
Perdiz, J., L. Garrote, G. Pires, and U. J. Nunes (2018). “Measuring the impact of reinforcement learning on an electrooculography-only computer game”. In: IEEE 6th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH). Vienna.
Pinheiro, E., F. Bandeiras, M. Gomes, P. Coelho, and J. Fernandes (2018). “Performance Analysis of Wind Generators and PV Systems in Industrial Small-Scale Applications”. In: 6th International Conference on Emerging and Renewable Energy: Generation and Automation (ICEREGA Ì18). Sousse, pp. 28-30.
Pires, G., P. Correia, D. Jorge, D. Santos, N. Gomes, P. Dias, P. Ferreira, A. Lopes, A. Manso, L. A. Almeida, L. Oliveira, R. Panda, P. Monteiro, C. Grácio, and T. Pereira (2018). “VITASENIOR-MT: a telehealth solution for the elderly focused on the interaction with TV”. In: 20th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application and Services. Ostrva.
Vieira, A. and F. Chaves (2018). “Educational building technical system retrofitting - IAQ and maintenance considerations”. In: IncoME-III (3rd International Conference on Maintenance Engineering). Coimbra.
Bandeiras, F., M. Gomes, P. Coelho, and J. Fernandes (2017a). “Microgrid Architecture Evaluation for Small and Medium Size Industries”. In: International Conference on Emerging and Renewable Energy: Generation and Automation (ICEREGA’17). Belfort: UTBM.
Bandeiras, F., M. Gomes, P. Coelho, and J. Fernandes (2017b). “Overview of Protection Systems and Earthing Schemes for Microgrids”. In: International Conference on Emerging and Renewable Energy: Generation and Automation (ICEREGA’17). Belfort: UTBM.
Cachaço, J., N. Machado, N. Lourenço, J. Guilherme, and N. Horta (2017). “Automatic Technology Migration of Analog IC Designs using Generic Cell Libraries”. In: Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE). Lausanne, pp. 1-4.
Calvillo, J. P., J. Guilherme, and N. Horta (2017). “Design of a BGR suitable for The Space Industry with Performance of 1.25 V with 0.758 ppm/ºC TC from - 55º to 125ºC”. In: New Generation of Circuits and Systems (NGCAS). Genova.
Ferreira, C., P. Neves, C. Costa, and D. Teramo (2017). “O ensino socioconstrutivista potenciado pelas TIC na área das STEM no ensino básico”. In: 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI’2017). Lisboa: ISCTE-IUL.
Perdiz, J., G. Pires, and U. J. Nunes (2017). “Emotional State Detection Based on EMG and EOG Biosignals: a Short Survey”. In: 5th Portuguese Meeting in Bioengineering IEEE-EMBS (ENBENG’2017). Coimbra.
Pinho, H. J. O., D. M. R. Mateus, and S. S. Alves (2017). “Computation of bubble mean diameters using probability distribution functions”. In: International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ICCMSE 2017). Thessaloniki.
Pinho, H. J. O., M. Vaz, and D. M. R. Mateus (2017). “Comparative evaluation of low cost materials as constructed wetland filling media”. In: International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (CCMSE 2017). Thessaloniki.
Chaves, F., A. Vieira, J. Antunes, and C. Coelho (2016a). “Análise das condições de conforto térmico e qualidade do ar no interior de uma sala de uma unidade industrial”. In: VIII Iberian Congress | VI Ibero-American Congresso on Refrigeration Sciences and Technologies. Coimbra.
Chaves, F., A. Vieira, J. Antunes, and C. Coelho (2016b). “Simulação do escoamento do ar e distribuição de temperatura numa sala de uma unidade industrial”. In: VIII Iberian Congress | VI Ibero-American Congresso on Refrigeration Sciences and Technologies. Coimbra.
Chaves, F., A. Vieira, J. Antunes, C. Coelho, J. Garcia, F. Chaves, N. Fonseca, and J. Caetano (2016a). “Indoor Air Quality, Thermal Comfort and Energy Efficiency Constraints- Case Study for an Educational Building”. In: 41th IAHS World Congress on Housing - Sustainable Housing Construction (International Association for Housing Science World Congress). Albufeira.
Chaves, F., A. Vieira, J. Antunes, C. Coelho, J. Garcia, F. Chaves, N. Fonseca, and J. Caetano (2016b). “Indoor Air Quality, Thermal Comfort and Energy Efficiency Constraints - Case Study for Public Health Care Building”. In: 41th IAHS World Congress on Housing - Sustainable Housing Construction (International Association for Housing Science World Congress). Albufeira.
Coelho, P., M. Gomes, and J. Fernandes (2016). “Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes: Conceptos y Desaf'ios”. In: Cuartas Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Generación Distribuida y Microrredes Eléctricas Inteligentes. Bucaramanga, pp. 13-16.
Fitas, A., N. Horta, and J. Guilherme (2016). “Design of a radiation-hardened curvature compensated bandgap reference circuit”. In: 12th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME). Lisbon.
Gomes, M., P. Coelho, and J. Fernandes (2016). “Mercados de Energia Elétrica: Fundamentos e Aplicação”. In: Cuartas Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Generación Distribuida y Microrredes Eléctricas Inteligentes. Bucaramanga, pp. 13-16.
Marcelino, S., P. Correia, S. Faria, S. Soares, and P. Assunção (2016). “Robust decoding of MDC depth maps for enhanced 3D video over hybrid broadcasting networks”. In: IEEE 11th International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB2016). Nara.
Pereira, C., P. Coelho, J. Fernandes, and M. Gomes (2016). “Energy Mix in the Production of Hydrogen”. In: International Conference on Renewable Energy 2016 (ICREGA’16). Belford.
Santos, M., N. Horta, and J. Guilherme (2016). “An 8bit logarithmic AD converter Using cross-coupled inverters and a time-to-digital converter”. In: Proceedings of 12th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME).
Silva, C., J. Guilherme, and N. Horta (2016). “SCALES: A high speed simulator tool for pipeline A/D converters”. In: 13th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD).
Carvalho, A. A., A. Asvadi, C. Carona, A. Lopes, and U. J. Nunes (2015). “Mobility, Accessibility and Safety of People with Cerebral Palsy”. In: HEALTHINF2014/BIOSTEC 2015. Lisbon.
Coelho, P., M. Gomes, and J. Fernandes (2015). “Integración de tecnolog'ias en las comunidades”. In: Encuentro Internacional de Sustentabilidad y Tecnolog'ias Aplicadas a la Comunidad (Patrimonio y Micro Redes Eléctricas). Santiago do Chile.
Cruz, A., D. Garcia, G. Pires, and U. J. Nunes (2015). “Facial Expression Recognition Based on EOG Toward Emotion Detection for Human-Robot Interaction”. In: 8th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing. , pp. 12-15.
Ferreira, C. and B. Borges (2015). “New Phase Shift Modulator for Resonant Converters”. In: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). Lisboa.
Gomes, M., P. Coelho, and J. Fernandes (2015). “Modelo de funcionamiento de microgrids en ambiente competitivo”. In: Encuentro Internacional de Sustentabilidad y Tecnolog'ias Aplicadas a la Comunidad (Patrimonio y Micro Redes Eléctricas). Santiago do Chile.
Guilherme, D., J. Pereira, N. Horta, and J. Guilherme (2015). “Thermal-aware floorplanning and layout generation of MOSFET power stages”. In: 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). IEEE, pp. 2269-2272. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8391-9. DOI: 10.1109/ISCAS.2015.7169135. <URL:>.
Antunes, A., P. Coelho, and J. Fernandes (2014). “Desenvolvimento kit de conversão elétrica”. In: 2as Jornadas Ibero-Americanas em Geração Distribu'ida e Microrredes Elétricas Inteligentes (RIGMEI). Tomar.
Castilla, M., M. Gomes, P. Mercado, C. Moreira, J. Negroni, J. Sosa, and A. Zambroni (2014). “The Growing State of Distributed Generation and Microgrids in the Ibero-American Region: A View from the RIGMEI Network”. In: IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D-LA 2014). Medellin.
Chaves, F. and A. Vieira (2014). “Indoor air quality and thermal comfort in an educational building - case study”. In: 40th IAHS World Congress on Housing - Sustainable housing construction (International Association for Housing Science World Congress). Funchal, pp. 16-19.
Coelho, N., L. A. Almeida, and P. Correia (2014). “Sistema de Visão Artificial para Controlo de Qualidade de uma linha de Embalamento Automático de Notas”. In: 2as Jornadas Ibero-Americanas em Geração Distribu'ida e Microrredes Elétricas Inteligentes (RIGMEI). Tomar.
Correia, P., S. Marcelino, P. Assuncao, S. Faria, S. Soares, C. Pagliari, and E. da Silva (2014). “Enhancement method for multiple description decoding of depth maps subject to random loss”. In: 2014 3DTV-Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video (3DTV-CON). Budapest, pp. 1-4. DOI: 10.1109/3DTV.2014.6874725. <URL:>.
Coutinho, P., M. Francisco, M. Gomes, O. Reis, M. Gomes, and P. Coelho (2014). “Organização e Funcionamento dos Mercados de Eletricidade”. In: 2as Jornadas Ibero-Americanas em Geração Distribu'ida e Microrredes Elétricas Inteligentes (RIGMEI). Tomar.
Cunha, J., P. Coelho, and G. Pires (2014). “Sistema de Estacionamento Paralelo Automático”. In: 2as Jornadas Ibero-Americanas em Geração Distribu'ida e Microrredes Elétricas Inteligentes (RIGMEI). Tomar.
Gomes, M., P. Coelho, and J. Fernandes (2014). “Serviços auxiliares alocados a microrredes integradas em mercados eléctricos”. In: 2as Jornadas Ibero-Americanas em Geração Distribu'ida e Microrredes Elétricas Inteligentes (RIGMEI). Tomar.
Guilherme, D., N. Horta, and J. Guilherme (2014). “Automatic Layout Generation of Power MOSFET Transistors in Bulk CMOS”. In: 21st IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems - ICECS 2014. Marseille, pp. 606-609.
Lopes, L., P. Coelho, J. Fernandes, and M. Gomes (2014). “Controlo Inteligente da Iluminação”. In: 2as Jornadas Ibero-Americanas em Geração Distribu'ida e Microrredes Elétricas Inteligentes (RIGMEI). Tomar.
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