Publication in the Diário da República: Bolonha 2008/09 [DR. 20757/2008 07.08.2008]
5 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 60,0 TP , Cód. 992517.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
At the end of term the students should be familiar with the composition and construction of the various tax bases in Portugal.
Introduction to taxation
CIRS - Income Tax Code
CIRC - Corporate Income Tax Code
CIVA - Value-Added Tax Code
Evaluation Methodology
Face-to-face classes
Resolution of practical cases
Continuos assessment (mid-term test)
Examinations (face-to-face exams)
- Abreu, I. e Durão, J. e Pimenta, M. e Carlos, A. (2014). Guia dos Impostos em Portugal 2014. Lisboa: Quid Juris
(0). Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira. Acedido em 1 de setembro de 2014 em
Teaching Method
Case study analysis and problem-solving applying Portuguese tax laws.
Software used in class
Not applicable.