6 semesters (3 years), each with 20 weeks of full-time training (40 weeks per year) that, including lessons, self-study and evaluation, makes a total of 810 hours of study effort (1620 hours per year). Considering that 1 ECTS credit is corresponds to 27 hours of studant worh, each semester totals 30 ECTS credits (60 ECTS credits per year).
The course curriculum, with a total of 180 ECTS credits, includes 30 modules (5 per semester) distributed and specified according to the last review regulated by Order No. 16228/2009 of 15 July 2009.
Graduates are admitted to the ANET - National Association of Technical Engineers. Professional titles are awarded by this institution in accordance with its internal rules. The course is registered in FEANI INDEX - European Federation of National Engineering Associations.