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Civil Engineering (pós-laboral)


Provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme and courses that includes contact with real situations and laboratories experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that permits excellent career opportunities and pursue postgraduate studies.


ECTS: 180


This study program provides a comprehensive training in civil engineering in areas such as Structures, Building, Geotechnics and Foundations, Hydraulics and Planning.

This degree complies with Bologna requirements and aims at providing the students with mobility, training and access to a wide range of career opportunities in circumstances similar to those offered by renowned European higher education institutions.

Training is supported by delivery methods that allow active learning based on the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the development of practical coursework, projects, field trips and participation in technical lectures dealing with the resolution of engineering problems specially those related with construction works.

The course curriculum is profession-oriented and aims at providing the students with the ability to apply learned skills in the resolution of real engineering problems.

Graduates from this program are expected to be able to perform their activity in civil engineering related sectors and be part of multidisciplinary teams in such areas as development, project, conduction and supervision of construction works (both in the private and public sector) training and applied research.

Professional Goals

The skills profile of civil engineering graduates provides a wide range of career prospects. Graduates are prepared to exercise their activity in several civil engineering sectors in such areas as development, project, conduction and supervision of construction works (both in the private and public sector) training and applied research.

Civil engineering graduates are prepared to perform as:

  • Site managers;
  • Construction supervisors;
  • Promoters and managers of construction works and projects;
  • Construction surveyors;
  • Construction designers.

Condições de Acesso

In order to be eligible to this bachelor's degree, students must hold the high-school diploma or legally equivalent qualification with mandatory approval in the next entry subjects: Mathematics and Physics-Chemistry.

Application can also be made through the following special entry routes:

Students coming from the Portuguese education system through re-admission, degree change and transfer schemes;

Holders of a Foundation Course Diploma (CET);

Adults aged more than 23 who have passed tailor-made examinations intended to assess their ability to pursue higher education studies;

Holders of Intermediary or Graduate degree diplomas;

Students coming from foreign higher education.


Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
90895 Applied MechanicsEstruturas 5
90896 Building Materials IConstrução 5
90893 ChemistryQuímica Geral e Analítica 4
90892 Linear AlgebraMatemática 5
90891 Mathematical Analysis IMatemática 6
90894 PhysicsFisica 5
2º Semestre
908911 Applied GeologyGeotecnia e Fundações 5
908912 Building Materials IIConstrução 5
90899 Continuum MechanicsEstruturas 4
90897 Mathematical Analysis IIMatemática 6
90898 StatisticsMatemática 5
908910 Strength of Materials IEstruturas 5


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
908914 General Construction Processes IConstrução 5
908916 Hydraulics IHidráulica 5
908913 Mathematical Analysis IIIMatemática 5
908917 Soil Mechanics IGeotecnia e Fundações 5
908915 Strength of Materials IIEstruturas 5
908918 Technical DrawingDesenho 5
2º Semestre
908924 Concrete IEstruturas 5
908920 General Construction Processes IIConstrução 5
908922 Hydraulics IIHidráulica 5
908923 Soil Mechanics IIGeotecnia e Fundações 5
908921 Structures IEstruturas 5
908919 SurveyingGeotecnia e Fundações 5


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
908930 Applied Hydraulics IHidráulica 5
908929 Building Design and DetailingDesenho 5
908925 Concrete IIEstruturas 5
908926 Construction Site Management and SafetyPlaneamento 5
908928 FoundationsGeotecnia e Fundações 5
908927 Structures IIEstruturas 5
2º Semestre
908934 Applied Hydraulics IIHidráulica 4
908933 Building PhysicsConstrução 5
908936 ProjectConstrução 7
908935 Regional and Urban PlanningPlaneamento 5
908931 Road EngineeringGeotecnia e Fundações 5
908932 Steel and Composite StructuresEstruturas 4

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Erasmus partnerships:

Bialystok University of Technology, Bialystok, Poland

Vilniaus Gedmino Technikos Universitetas, Vilnius, Lithuania

Universita Degli Studi di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy

Universita Degli Studi di Basilicata, Basilicata, Italy

Universidad del Pais Vasco, País Basco, Spain


UE next generation
Centro 2030
Lisboa 2020
Compete 2030