5 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 45,0 T + 2,0 OT , Cód. 938094.
- Maria Teresa Ribeiro Pereira Desterro (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable
Understand the evolution of the western art paradigm throughout the Modern Era
Characterize the artistic movements of this period and identify their main artists and works
Be able to interpret artworks as aesthetic, historical and artistic objects.
I The artistic development in the Modern Era
1-The origins of Renaissance
2-The Italian Proto-Renaissance
3-The Flemish "Ars Nova"
4-Italian republics: the "Quattrocento" Renaissance:
II- Mannerism
1.The anti-classicism
2.Antwerp Manneirism
3.Diffusion of Manneirism in Europe
III_ Barroc Art
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment:two written tests (miminum mark of 7.5/20 in one of these tests, since in the other one obtains 13). Mimimum pass mark is 10/20.
Final examination: approval with 10/20.
- Chevalier, J. e Gheer Brant, A. (1982). Dictionnaire des Symboles. Mythes, Rêves, Coutumes, Gestes, Formes, Figures, Couleurs, Nombres. Paris: Robert Laffont & Jupiter
- Janson, H. (2010). A Nova História da Arte de Janson. A tradição ocidental. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
- Réau, L. (1996). Iconografia del Arte Cristiano. (Vol. 5vols). Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal
- Turner, J. (1998). The Dictionary of Art. London: Jane Turner
- VV, A. (1972). História da Arte. (Vol. 5 e 6). Lisboa: Alfa
Teaching Method
Theoretical classes supported by examination and analysis of artworks.
Theoretical-practical lessons focused on discussing and reflecting on the course topics.
Tutorial support
Software used in class
Not applicable.