Publication in the Diário da República: Declaração de retificação nº 305/2016 - 18/03/2016
4 ECTS; 1º Ano, 2º Semestre, 45,0 TP , Cód. 61508.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Does not apply.
Students should be able to:
-apply a set of competences in specific day to day communicative situations;
- use textual interpretation and production capabilities using the English language fluently according to its structural and grammatical rules;
1-English in daily communication and in context;
1.1-Introducing oneself and others and receiving others at work;
1.2- Writing formal and semi formal electronic messages/ letters;
1.3-Describe the daily routine and the workplace;
1.4-Dates and the hours.
2-Grammatical contents of elementary and intermediate level.
2.1- Definite and indefiniote articles;
2.2- Numbers and basic mathematics;
2.3- Personal,demonstrative and interrogative pronouns;
2.4- Possessive pronouns and determiners;
2.5- Prepositios of time and place;
2.6- Present Simple vs. Present Continuous;
2.7- Past Simple vs. Past Continuous;
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous evaluation
? Two frequencies at the end of the first semester (60%);
? Exercises, class participation, attendance (20%);
? Completion of a research paper (oral and written) (20%).
Teaching Method
Theoretical and practical lessons in which the skills of comprehension of written and oral expressions will be developed, by carrying out simulations and analysis of different kinds of documents.
Software used in class
Does not apply.