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Master's degree in Photography


Provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme that includes contact with real situations and laboratories experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that permits excellent career opportunities.


ECTS: 120


Professional Goals

Prepare students to lead and coordinate teams of professional photographers and collection managers.

Build on previous knowledge to develop new abilities and skills Be able to deal with complex situations and develop appropriate solutions while keeping up with ethical and social responsibilities.
Students will have the opportunity to incorporate the values of this particular activity sector through a placement period, project or dissertation and further develop their academic training while applying the theoretical skills acquired.

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
30413 Applied Photography IFotografia 6
30413 Applied Photography IOutras
304129 Arstistic Production IFotografia 6
304129 Arstistic Production IOutras
938052 Art History 2Outras 4
3380121 Art and Culture IOutras 4
30811 Book DesignOutras 4
938030 Conservation and Restoration VIIOutras 4
30814 Diagrammatic RepresentationOutras
964539 Digital Photography 3Outras 4
30414 Digital Photography IFotografia 6
30813 Electronic PaginationOutras 4
938036 Examination and Analysis Methods 2Outras 4
964528 History of Photography 1Outras 4
938019 History of Renaissance ArtOutras 4
30411 Image History and Theory ITeorias da Imagem 4
964413 Image ProcessingOutras 4
964511 Image Theories IOutras
30412 Interdisciplinary SeminarsTeorias da Imagem 4
9932005 Narrative Structures IOutras 4
938059 Photographic MethodsOutras 4
964525 Photography 1Outras 6
304131 Photography Conservation ITecnologia e Processos 6
964429 Postpress Technology 4
964540 Silver Printing ProcessesOutras 6
2º Semestre
9054441 4
9932022 Outras 4
304110 Applied Photography IIFotografia 6
304110 Applied Photography IIOutras 4
304130 Artistic Production IIFotografia 6
304130 Artistic Production IIOutras
9932021 Camera and LightingOutras 4
338012 Collection ManagementOutras
30419 Description of Photographic CollectionsTecnologia e Processos 4
304111 Digital Photography IIFotografia 6
964556 EmulsionsOutras 4
938028 Examination and Analysis MethodsOutras 4
964411 Graphic Design IOutras 4
308114 Graphic ProductionOutras
938026 History of Mannerist and Baroque ArtOutras 4
938055 History of Portuguese Art 2Outras 4
964534 History of photography 2Outras 4
308110 Image Editing and Art DirectionOutras 4
30418 Image History and Theory IITeorias da Imagem 4
964316 Image Theory and Criticism 4
304119 Management of Photographic CollectionsOutras 4
304119 Management of Photographic CollectionsTecnologia e Processos 6
964420 Multimedia Design IOutras 4
964531 Photography 2 4
304132 Photography Conservation IITecnologia e Processos 6
964554 Photography Project 2Outras 4
964512 Silver Printing ProcessesOutras 4
938040 Twentieth-Century HistoryOutras 4


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
304122 DissertationFotografia 60
304121 Internship/PlacementFotografia 60
304123 ProjectFotografia 60

Entra em vigor no Ano Letivo 2013/2014

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
30413 Applied Photography IFotografia 6
30419 Description of Photographic CollectionsArquivo de Fotografia 4
304136 Fotografia Digital Aplicada IFotografia 6
304134 História e Teorias da ImagemTeorias da Imagem 4
304135 Metodologia de Projecto e MontagemTeorias da Imagem 4
304137 Preservação de Colecções de FotografiaArquivo de Fotografia 6
2º Semestre
304110 Applied Photography IIFotografia 6
304141 Conservação de Colecções de FotografiaArquivo de Fotografia 6
304140 Fotografia Digital Aplicada IIFotografia 6
304138 Fotografia e TerritórioTeorias da Imagem 4
304142 Gestão de Colecções de FotografiaArquivo de Fotografia 4
304139 Produção Artística e CuradoriaTeorias da Imagem 4


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
304122 DissertationTeorias da Imagem 60
304121 Internship/PlacementTeorias da Imagem 60
304123 ProjectTeorias da Imagem 60

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Course coordinator

António Martiniano Ventura

António Martiniano Ventura

Gabinete: G 207
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

António Martiniano Ventura

António Martiniano Ventura

Gabinete: G 207
endereço de e-mail
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