Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 7904/2013 - 18/06/2013
8 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 60,0 TP + 4,0 OT + 4,0 O , Cód. 308129.
- Tiago Filipe Navarro Frutuoso dos Santos Marques (1)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable
It is intended that trainees will be able to design an effective editorial communication solution (development of a complete analog book), taking advantage of the means (support, typography, illustration and image) and exploring the potential of pagination and iconographic composition or illustration of a consistent form adapted to an editorial line;
Instill in master's students the technical rigor (models), meeting deadlines and teamwork that a project of this nature requires;
Understand and raise students' awareness of the importance of identity, graphic coherence and the economic, market and technical implications inherent to the object of study.
1. Historical context about the book, writing and fonts.
2. Anatomy of the book: nomenclatures.
3. SEMESTER PROJECT: THE BOOK. My bedside book.
3.1. Structure of the book (work, concept, functional characteristics);
3.2. Structure of the books graphic architecture;
3.3. Editorial and graphic study in response to the defined project;
3.4. Project design: cover; back cover, spine, object; visual rhetoric; type of materials and binding; color palette; typographic styles; graphic recurrences vs work; resolution of technical issues (use of paper, number of pages and notebooks, type of paper: texture, color and weight; weight and type of reading/use of the final object, spine, cover and endpapers);
3.5. Core design and resolution of technical issues: Structural elements of the graphic design (reading rhythm, line and leading, open page models, page grid(s), page head and footer, columns, margins interior and exterior, drips, titles, subtitles, captions, number(s), special opening and closing pages);
3.6. Typographic optimization.
4. Illustration and infographics.
5. Fight for inclusiveness in access to information and education.
6. Take into account issues related to the book market economy in conjunction with inclusive and sustainable economic growth, striving for the integration of principles of sustainable production and consumption into the design process.
Evaluation Methodology
The evaluation of a project of this nature is continuous. Development and technical execution capacity will be valued, as well as meeting deadlines. They must take into account that it is the designer's responsibility to develop inclusive, intuitive and appealing proposals, within the editorial universe, always taking into account all the methodology and prior analysis for an effective solution.
We will seek to encourage experimentation and trial and error in individualized monitoring.
In quantitative terms, the design evaluation will be distributed across the monitoring and evolution of the work (20%), the ability to synthesize ideas/concepts (40%) and the technique/graphic structure - elements (40%), in a variable approval rating between 10 and 20 values.
The exam will involve the development of the semester book project (60%), presentation (20%) and final finishing result (20%).
- Bringhurst , R. (2013). The Elements of Typographic Style. Vancouver : Hartley & Marks
- Caldwell, Zappaterra, C. (2014). Diseño editorial Periódicos y revistas / Medios impresos y digitales. Madrid: GG
- Drucker, J. (2009). Graphic Design History, a Critical Guide . New Jersey: Pearson Education
- Fletcher, A. (2001). The Art of Looking Sideways . London: Phaidon
- Hochuli, Kinross , J. (1996). Designing Books: Practice and Theory. London: Hyphen Press
- Johnson, M. (2002). Problem Solved. London : Phaidon
- Müller-Brockmann, J. (1982). Sistemas de retículas. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili
- Samara, T. (2007). Grid. Construção e Desconstrução. (Vol. 1.ª). São Paulo: Cosac & Naify
Teaching Method
Situated in a professional academic context, the work will be carried out using a typical exercise of the profession, supported by theoretical-practical classes. We will seek to encourage experimentation and trial-error in individualized monitoring.
Software used in class
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Affinity Publisher
Affinity Designer