Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho 23/08/2011
6 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 32,0 T + 16,0 TP + 12,0 OT , Cód. 30005.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
This course has as main objectives:
1 - Presentation of research lines and development with regard to new information technologies applicable to the healthcare sector;
2 - To give students the ability to assess the appropriateness and possibility of adaptation of emerging technologies in the health sector;
3 - To know where, in the present health areas, are being developed new technologies and how these are applied.
Skills to be acquired:
? Understand the perspectives of technological developments in computer technology applied to the health sector;
? Know what methods to use in evaluating and adaptability to emerging technologies in healthcare;
? Know what areas of health in which can be applied emerging computer technologies and how this application is made.
Trends and drivers of technological innovation in the health sector;
Adaptation and evaluation of emerging technologies;
Application of emerging technologies
? Improvement of electronic health records
? Telemedicine
? New imaging systems
? Robotic surgery
? Biological monitoring
? Pharmacogenomics
Evaluation Methodology
The method of assessment is the individual achievement of a technical scientific paper, resulting from a research applied to a real case, which has a weight of 100% of the final grade, and the student to obtain approval of unit curriculum should have a rating equal to or greater than 9.5.
- -, -. (0). EMERGING HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES. Acedido em 1 de julho de 2014 em
- -.(0, 0 de ---). Health Informatics Journal, pp. 1--.
Teaching Method
O método de avaliação consiste na realização individual de um artigo técnico-científico, resultante de um trabalho de pesquisa e investigação aplicada a um caso real, o qual tem um peso de 100% da classificação final, sendo que o aluno para obter aprovação à unidade curricular deverá ter uma classificação igual ou superior a 9,5 valores.
Software used in class