Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 13021/2015
5 ECTS; 3º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 30,0 TP + 3,0 OT , Cód. 9932055.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
A. The students should develop an insight of film history and be able to relate it with other film areas and cultural areas in general, understand the milestones of film history.
B. Develop the ability to analyse motion pictures and be able to relate works and film-making trends.
I. Theories
1. Time and contemporary
2. Movie and contemporary
3. Time of history, time of speech
II. Filmic duets about contemporary
1. Nazism between hell and pacification
2. Iwo Jima. One island, two shores
3. Anachronism of contemporary
4. The colonized between two times
5. Vietnam between heroism and the american regret
6. Shining and shadows of missing empire
Evaluation Methodology
a) A minimum of 75% class attendance is required to pass.
b) One film review: 30% of final mark
c) Class participation: 20% of final mark
d) Assessment paper: 50% of final mark
- Aumont, J. (2009). Dicionário teórico e crítico do cinema. Lisboa: Texto e Grafia
- Catroga, F. (2001). Memória, história, historiografia. Coimbra: Quarteto
- Roberts, J. (2007). História do século XX. Lisboa: Presença
- Seabra, J. (2014). Cinema. Tempo, memória, análise. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Teaching Method
a - Traditional face-to-face lectures.
b - Practical classes focused on film analysis.
Software used in class