Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 13021/2015
6 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 75,0 T + 3,0 OT , Cód. 9932004.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
It is intended that the students are able to:
- Frame historically and culturally Western Art (from antiquity to the present day)
- Demonstrate some ability to observe and analyze a work of art
- Know the principles that an art work can end
- Understand the mechanisms of representation
- Concept art and work of art
- Artistic Disciplines
- Art work Components
- Criteria to review and evaluate
- Representation mechanisms
- Brief introduction to film theory
- Prehistoric Art (short reference)
II- Classical Antiquity: the Near East Ancient Egyptian, Aegean, Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Early Christian and Byzantine
III- The Middle Ages to the nineteenth century: Medieval, Romanesque, Gothic, Italian of the century XII and XIV, XV century northern Europe, Renaissance, Mannerism, Reformation, Baroque, Enlightenment, Romanticism
IV- to the nineteenth century Art XXI century: (about 60 movements) Positivism, Realism, Impressionism, Art Nouveau, Symbolism, Impressionism, Vienna Secession, Fauvism, Die Bruke, Expressionism, Cubism, De Stil, Dada, Bauhaus, New Objectivity Surrealism New York Photo, Popo Art ....
V-Brief History of cinema (trends and techniques)
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment.
- A short written piece of work (25%)
- A research work (75%)
Average of practical assignments (Mtp)> 9.5
A minimum mark of 9.5 is required to be exempted from the exam.
Exam: written test and research project
- Cousins, M. (2015). THE STORY OF FILM. London: Pavillion
- Eimert, D. (2013). ART OF THE 20TH CENTURY. : Parkstone International,
- Ruhrberg, S. (1999). ARTE DO SEC. XX. London: Tachen
Teaching Method
Classes are based on the observation and chronological analysis of works of art taking into account its artistic and socio-economic context
Software used in class