5 ECTS; 3º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 30,0 PL , Cód. 963829.
- Sílvio Manuel Valente da Silva (1)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable
Provide the students with a theoretical and practical approach that will enable them to understand the dynamics of management control in an organization. They will be able to identify the need and implement a proper management control system and the understand the correct tools for control.
Evaluation Methodology
- Berry, A. e Broadbent, J. e Otley, D. (1995). Management control-Theories, issues and practices. New York: MacMillan
- Borges, A. e Borges, J. (2014). Contabilidade e finanças para a gestão. Lisboa: Áreas Editora
- Drury, C. (2012). Management and Cost Accounting. Londres: Cengage Learning College
- Rodrigues, J. e Carvalho, J. e Jordan, H. (2011). Controlo de gestão: Ao serviço da estratégia e dos gestores. Lisboa: Àreas Editora
Teaching Method
Software used in class
Not applicable.