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Ano Letivo: 2022/23

Design Editorial

Book Design

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 7904/2013 - 18/06/2013

8 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 60,0 TP + 4,0 OT + 4,0 O , Cód. 308129.

- Gonçalo André Moço Falcão (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable

1. Design the graphic layout for a collection
2. Be familiar with the specificities of the production flow of a book
3. Create an original approach to book design
4. Develop a book design project fitted to its content

1. History of writing, history of typefaces and history of the book.
2. Anatomy of the book: nomenclatures

3. SEMI-ANNUAL PROJECT: THE BOOK. Project of three books for a collection of ten, in an editorial context.
3.1. Editorial study and graphic study: definition of the editorial and commercial context for a book collection;
3.2. Definition of the book collection: theme/authors;
3.3. Definition of the physicality of the book taking into account the type of edition/publishing context;
3.4. Editorial and graphic study as a response to the defined project;
3.5. Choice of three works that allow foreseeing all the requirements of the future collection;
3.6. Cover design for the three (out of ten) works chosen; hinge cover, back cover, spine, object; look and feel; type of materials and type of binding; chromatic palette; typographic palette; graphic recurrences versus individuality of works; resolution of technical issues (use of paper, number of pages and notebooks, type of paper: texture, color and weight; weight and type of reading/use of the final object, spine, cover and endpapers)
3.7. Design of the core and resolution of technical issues: Structural elements of the graphic project (reading rhythm, line and spacing, open page templates, grid(s) of the page(s), page head and foot, columns, margins interior and exterior, gutters, titles, subtitles, legends, numbering(s), special opening and closing pages).
3.8. typographic good manners

4. Illustration and infographics

5 – Include concerns related with inclusiveness in access to information and education;
6 - Consider issues related to inclusiveness and equity in book design;
7 – Reflect about issues related to gender equality in the book’s project;

Evaluation Methodology
Students will be assessed on an ongoing basis. In addition to the pedagogical and scientific factors specific to the project, assessment will consider the following criteria:
1. Attendance, punctuality and attitude: in addition to student attendance in person and the interest shown in learning the subjects, monitoring of the progress of work and other issues of a pedagogical nature related to the smooth running of the project will be considered positive. Negative behaviours include: lack of punctuality, answering the mobile phone or not having it turned off; browsing social networks; having the computer on during a theoretical lesson; leaving the class without a reason during the course of a theoretical explanation of interest to all; chating with classmates that undermines the smooth progress of the lesson.
2. Comply with deadlines;
3. Attendance of all students on the day scheduled for the assessments is crucial, since the tests are considered special classes to assess student progress.
4. All marks will be awarded on a 1-20 scale.

Students must bring all the work done during the semester and requested in the text; an additional written or oral exam, or both may be required.

(1996). Designing Books . London: Hyphen Press
(1996). Designing Books . London: Hyphen Press
(2001). The Art of Looking Sideways . London: Phaidon
(2001). The Art of Looking Sideways . London: Phaidon
(2002). Problem Solved. London : Phaidon
(2002). Problem Solved. London : Phaidon
(2008). Tipografia: Origem, Formas e Uso das Letras. Lisboa: Dinalivro
(2008). Tipografia: Origem, Formas e Uso das Letras. Lisboa: Dinalivro
(2009). Graphic Design History, a Critical Guide . New Jersey: Pearson Education
(2009). Graphic Design History, a Critical Guide . New Jersey: Pearson Education
(2013). The Elements Of Typographic Style . Vancouver : Hartley & Marks
(2013). The Elements Of Typographic Style . Vancouver : Hartley & Marks

Teaching Method
Set in a professional academic context, the work will be carried out using a typical exercise of the profession, supported by theoretical classes. Experimentation and trial and error will be encouraged under one-to-one supervision.

Software used in class
Adobe InDesign




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