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Ano Letivo: 2022/23

Design e Tecnologia das Artes Gráficas


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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 9182/2020 - 25/09/2020

7 ECTS; 1º Ano, 2º Semestre, 105,0 TP + 4,0 OT + 3,0 O , Cód. 964445.

- Luís Miguel Alves de Oliveira (1)(2)
- Rui Miguel Sardinha Proença (2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable

1. Understand and control the prepress steps in the graphic production workflow;
2. Utilize specific page layout software;
3. Acquire skills in separation and color management for different printing processes;
4. Acquire skills in analog and digital imposition.

1. Program presentation and introduction to the interface;
1.1 The work environment. Document definition;
1.2 Introduction to the operating program toolbox;
1.3 Master page concept. Page definition;
1.4 Composition and editing of simple and complex texts.
2. Page layout;
2.1 Import and manipulation of text and images;
2.2 Grid: organization of the text in columns; tabs, collapsing and opening paragraphs; information hierarchy;
2.3 Text treatment: character and paragraph attributes, «widow» and «orphaned» lines, hyphenation and justification control,
2.4 Construction and editing of tables;
2.5. Paragraph, character, and table styles and formatting. Text editing, definition of parameters applicable to types and paragraphs;
2.6 Color Editing, Color Palette and Gradients; Creation and editing of process and special colors;
2.7 Creating and editing indexes;
2.8. Management of extensive documents.
3. Document Finalization;
3.1 Color separation simulation;
3.2 Creating and editing PDF files;
3.3 Preflight and Package.

1. Originals and their reproduction;
1.1 Classification and identification of different types of originals, their analysis and control;
1.2 Light sources;
1.3 The photographic process of obtaining film originals.
2. Screen ruling theory and its applications;
2.1 Screen ruling, dot geometry, screen angle; AM, FM and XM rulings.
2.2 Introduction to densitometry and densitometric magnitudes;
2.3 Control elements & measuring instruments.
3. Color Management;
3.1 Application of quality control at all stages of transformation from control elements, reference and tolerance parameters, using measuring instruments.

1. Identification and nomenclature of equipment, instruments, consumable materials and essential tools for the execution/preparation of layouts and assemblies in millimeter or square bases.
2. Assembly;
2.1 The preliminary stages for the preparation of the photoliths to be assembled;
2.2 Standard Formats, DIN (series A, B, C, D and graphic formats);
2.3 Layout of the base page; determination of the rectangle/spot of the text and distribution of the perimeter margins;
2.4 The layout – Assembly requirements conditioned by the printing process;
2.5 Assembly – Regulatory elements to carry out the assembly;
2.6 Regular and irregular layouts.
3. Control elements in the assembly;
3.1 Crop marks, registration marks, perforation marks, crease marks, signature marks (book work);
3.2 Machine entry indication, gripper margin, color identification (CMYK, Pantones, etc.), strips for visual and densitometric control; file handling.
4. Digital imposition and digital workflow software;
4.1 File Compatibility; PDF, JDF, PPF;
4.2. Imposition/digital assembly.
4.3 Position Proofs: obtaining digital proofs, reviewing and comparing/retesting with layouts and with the originals.

Evaluation Methodology
The final grade of the Curricular Unit, at all times of evaluation, is calculated based on the following weighting:
Paging Component – 40%; Color Separation Component - 30%; Tax Component - 30%.

In the evaluation of each of the components of the Curricular Unit, the elements described below are considered, with the following weighting:

1. Continuous assessment
Practical evaluation: 50% - average of the practical work carried out in class; 5% - attendance.
Written evaluation: 45% - written test.

Students who have obtained classification >=10 values in the practical evaluation and classification >=10 values in the written evaluation are exempt from the exam.~

Students who do not attend a minimum of 2/3 of the classes, or who have not obtained a classification >=10 in the practical evaluation, are excluded from the examination.

Students admitted to evaluation by exam will have to take a written test for the components of the Curricular Unit in which, in the written test, they have not obtained a classification >=10 out of 20.

2. Exam
Practical assessment: 50% - average of the practical work done in class (continuous assessment).
Written evaluation: 50% - written test.

- AMBROSE, G. e HARRIS, P. (2008). The Production Manual, A Graphic Design Handbook. Lausanne: AVA Publishing
- ANTON, K. e DEJARLD, T. (2020). Adobe InDesign Classroom in a Book (2021 release). San Francisco: Pearson Education, Adobe Press
- BAER, L. (2004). Produção Gráfica. S. Paulo: SENAC
- BARBOSA, C. (2012). Manual Prático de Produção Gráfica. Lisboa: Principia
- FORMENTI, J. e REVERTE, S. (2008). La Imagen Gráfica y su Reproducción. Barcelona: Ediciones CPG
- JOHANSSON, K. e LUNDBERG, P. e RYBERG, R. (2004). Manual de Producción Grafica: Recetas. Barcelona: GG
- KIPPHAN, H. (2001). Handbook of Print Media? Technologies and Production Methods. Berlin: Springer-Verlag
- SEDDON, T. (2007). Images: A Creative Digital Workflow for Graphic Design. London: RotoVision

Teaching Method
1 - Lessons supported by audiovisual media and analogue and digital technologies;
2 - Practical exercises.

Software used in class
Adobe InDesign (Page Layout)
Trueflow SE - SCREEN (Imposition)
XMF Workflow - FujiFilm (Imposition)




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