IPT Logotipo do IPT

Ano Letivo: 2019/20

Design e Tecnologia das Artes Gráficas

Applied Chemistry

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 3359/2013 - 01/03/2013

5 ECTS; 1º Ano, 2º Semestre, 45,0 PL + 15,0 TP + 4,0 O , Cód. 96449.

- Marco António Mourão Cartaxo (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable.

Students should understand general chemistry and its application in the graphic processes as well as the variables of chemical processes. Development of skills in laboratory practice of Chemistry, by performing some practical works.

Theoretical component:
1 - Structure of matter: properties of matter; extensive and intensive properties; density and temperature (scales). Classification of matter: mixtures and pure substances. The atoms. The discovery of subatomic particles. Atomic number and isotopes. Ions. Atomic mass, mole and molar mass. Periodic table. Periodic variation of metals, non-metals and metaloids. Electronic configurations and the periodic table: variation of atomic properties.
2 - Chemical bonding: Octet rule. Covalent bonds, ionic and metal. Nomenclature of ionic compounds.
3 - Stoichiometry: Balance of chemical equations; yeld of chemical reactions. Solutions and molarity. Preparation of solutions by weighing, diluting and from concentrated solutions.
4 - Chemical equilibrium: Bronsted-Lowry and Ahrrenius acid-base systems. The auto-ionization of water. The concept of pH. PH measurement: indicators and meters. PH electrode meter. The reference electrode. Operation of the combined electrode. Temperature effect on the pH measurement. Calibration of the pH meter.
5 - Oxidation-reduction: Writing and balance of redox reactions. Standard electrode otentials. Spontaneity of redox reactions. Electrochemical cells.
6 - Organic Chemistry: Alkanes and Cycloalkanes. Nomenclature of saturated hydrocarbons. Nomenclature of cycloalkanes. Functional groups: Alcohols and ethers; Aldehydes and ketones; Carboxylic acids; Esters; The amines; Amides; polymers.
7-Chemistry of paper, inks and toners: main aspects relevant to their behavior and use.

Practical component:
1-Measurement of volumes and masses of liquids.
2-Preparation and dilution of solutions.
3-Standardization of solutions.
4-Determination of the pH of the paper.
5-Study of the revelation variables.

Evaluation Methodology
The theoretical evaluation (AT) is carried out through one written test in the period of frequency, with consultation of the Periodic Table and Ion Table, with a minimum average score of 07 points to obtain approval in the discipline. During the exam period, it is done through a single final test, with consultation of the Periodic Table and Ion Table, with a minimum score of 07 points to obtain approval in the discipline.

The practical evaluation (AP) is carried out through the realization of a writen work regarding the practical works, with a minimum grade of 10 points.

The final classification (CF) is obtained by applying the following formula:

Students who do not carry out the writen work regarding the practical works will be excluded from the evaluation, as this task is considered essential.

- Atkins, P. (1989). General Chemistry. Nova Iorque: Scientific American
- Chang, R. e Goldsby, K. (2013). Química. New York: McGraw Hill
- Ebbing, D. e Gammon, S. (2012). General Chemistry. Belmont: Brooks/Cole
- Eldred, N. (2001). Chemistry for the Graphic Arts. Pittsburgh: GATF Press

Teaching Method
Theoretical classes where the theoretical foundations are taught. Practical classes where exercises of the concepts studied in the theoretical component are applied.
Part of the classes will be taught through the Microsoft Teams and Moodle

Software used in class
Not applicable.




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