IPT Logotipo do IPT

Ano Letivo: 2018/19

Gestão Administrativa de Recursos Humanos

Organizational Behavior

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Publication in the Diário da República: Aviso nº 3681/2017 - 07/04/2017

4 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 30,0 TP , Cód. 601613.

- Maria Graciete da Purificação Reis Henriques Honrado (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable.

Students should understand:
- the place and role of HRM in the context of business evolution;
- the importance of strategic component of human resources, at the level of the study of behavioral variables.

Cap. I - emotional intelligence and its impact on the globalization 1.1 - Importance of emotions on behavior. 1.2 - Evaluate the impact of globalisation on human capital. 1.3 - Discover the effects of emotions in the process of globalisation.
Cap. II - New Foundations of behavior 2.1 - Variables that increase the flexibility of workers before the changes. 2.2 - the process of organizational change. 2.3 - Knowledge Management.
Cap. III - The Learning 3.1 - continuous learning at all levels of the organization. 3.2 - Identify the importance of ethics in the processes of global competitiveness in organizations. 3.3 - continuous learning as a basis for sustainable development in global organizations.
Cap. IV - The process of motivation - frustration 4.1 - the conceptualization of the process of motivation. 4.2 - Characteristics of the needs or motives.4.3 - Types: physiological reasons, social and cognitive. 4.4 - The frustration and social movements. 4.5 - The role of communication in the social system.
Cap. V - the organizational change. 5.1 - Why they fail the processes of change and what strategies that managers have to overcome resistance to change?
Cap. VI - leadership and communication. 6.1 - The leadership and its importance in the performance of organizations.6.2 - What is the importance of communication and what implications arise for management?
Cap. VII - The power, control and conflict in organizations: how can be managed?
Cap. VIII - The uncertainty of immersive and innovation.
Cap. IX - The stress coupled with productivity.
Cap. X - the manager of human resources and the multiculturalism 10.1 - attitudes and values to take into account. 10.2 - Understand the trends of our time and its impact on management.

Evaluation Methodology
Continuous evaluation: frequency and group work. Are approved and exempted from the exam students whose note is equal to or greater than 10 values in the frequency and will also at least 10 values in each job. Final Evaluation: examination.

- Hughes, C. (2015). Managing Human Resource Development Programs. UK: Palgrave Macmillan
- Matteson, M. e Konopaske, R. e Ivancevich, J. (2013). Organizational Behaviour and Management. New York: McGraw Hill
- Neves, P. e Campos e Cunha, R. e Cabral-Cardoso, C. e Rego, A. e Pina e Cunha, M. (2016). Manual de Comportamento Organizacional e Gestao. Lisboa: Editora RH
- Rego, A. e Pina e Cunha, M. (2010). Manual de Gestao de Pessoas e do Capital Humano. Lisboa: Edicoes Silabo

Teaching Method
Theoretical lessons where they are exposed to the topics of programmatic contents complemented by practical classes where the same themes are discussed. Emphasis is the study of practical cases for better understanding with the business reality.

Software used in class
Not applicable.




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