IPT Logotipo do IPT

Ano Letivo: 2018/19

Conservação e Restauro

Research Methodology

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 9982/2016 - 05/08/2016

5.5 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 30,0 TP + 3,0 OT , Cód. 338042.

- António João de Carvalho da Cruz (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable

a) Know the characteristics of scientific and technical literature
b) Know to perform literature searches
c) Know to organize articles, reports and dissertations
d) Use appropriate written language
e) Know to use the software available for the preparation of these documents.

1. Research in Conservation and Restoration
2. Bibliographic research:
a) what to look for: the scientific or technical literature in the different areas of knowledge; the scientific article; the Conservation and Restoration literature and its specificity;
b) how to look for: traditional research and research in digital environment; digital search tools;
c) how to obtain the bibliography in digital format: publications with paid access; access to journals with digital edition only; publishers with conservation and restoration works available free of charge; works digitized within the scope of digitization programs;
d) what information to keep about bibliographic references: identification of bibliographic references; identification elements of digital references.
3. Writing of scientific and technical documents, especially articles, traineeship reports and dissertations:
a) general structure: types of documents; proposal and intervention report; scientific article; review article; dissertation or thesis; internship report;
b) elements of a document: pre-textual elements; textual part; post-textual elements;
c) style: the different academic styles; general principles; clarity; rigor; other aspects;
c) bibliographical references: the importance of bibliographical references; the diversity of formats; main systems for the presentation of references; examples of formats for the presentation of bibliographic references.
d) tables and figures: use of tables and figures; structure of tables; figures with information obtained in the form of image, with information obtained in numerical form (graphics) and with information of a structural or relational nature (schemas).
4. Preparation of documents, especially reports of internships and dissertations, in digital format:
a) digital formats for the presentation and dissemination of documents: doc, docx and pdf formats and their advantages and limitations; conversion to pdf file; joining of pdfs files;
b) images in digital format: image formats; scanning of images; graphic plotting; assembly of graphic elements; optimizing the size of graphic files;
c) use of word processor: formatting; models and styles; automatic number sequences; markers; cross-references; index; language tools; automatic record changes and comments.

Evaluation Methodology
The TP classes are mandatory. The evaluation is done through questions with written answers in TP classes (50 %) and a review article (with a minimum of 9/20), on a subject of choice, to be delivered in the examination period (50 %).

- Azevedo, M. (2011). Teses, Relatórios e Trabalhos Escolares. Sugestões para a Estruturação da Escrita. Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora
- Estrela, E. e Soares, M. e Leitão, M. (2015). Saber Escrever uma Tese e Outros Textos . Lisboa: Dom Quixote
- Poupa, C. e Pereira, A. (2008). Como Escrever uma Tese, Monografia ou Livro Científico Usando o Word. Lisboa: Sílabo
- Turabian, K. (2013). A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press

Teaching Method
The lectures are of expository nature using Powerpoint presentation that is previously distributed to students. In theoretical-practical classes some common problems are discussed and exercises are performed by the students.

Software used in class
Not applicable




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