IPT Logotipo do IPT

Ano Letivo: 2018/19

Conservação e Restauro

Chemistry 1

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 10852/2016 - 05/09/2016

4.5 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 30,0 TP + 2,0 OT , Cód. 93805.

- Manuel Alberto Nogueira Henriques Rosa (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable.

Development of capacities for the understanding of the themes of general chemistry and its application to the processes of conservation and restoration of works of art. Particularly in laboratory work to prepare solutions, measure and identification of salt anions.

Theoretical component:
1-Structure of matter: properties of matter; extensive and intensive properties; density and temperature (scales). Classification of matter: mixtures and pure substances. The atoms. The discovery of subatomic particles. Atomic number and isotopes. Ions. Periodic table. Periodic variation of metals, non-metals and metaloids. Electronic configurations and the periodic table: variation of atomic properties.
2-Chemical bonding: Octet rule. Covalent bonds, ionic and metal. Nomenclature of ionic compounds.
3-Stoichiometry: atomic mass, mole, molar mass and chemical reactions. Hit chemical equations; solutions and molarity. Preparation of solutions for weighing, diluting and from concentrated solutions.
4-Salts: What are salts?; Soluble salts and insoluble salts; Hyposcopy and deliquescence; Importance of the salts in the patrimony; Movement of salts on the walls of a building; Identification of carbonates, chlorides and sulfates by chemical tests.

Practical component:
Pratical Work # 1 – This laboratory work intends to provide the students a first glimpse to the environment to the laboratory of chemistry, the knowledge of materials in current use, the use of analytical balances and familiarization with descriptive statistics in data analysis.
Pratical Work nº2 - In a first practical class the laboratory work makes an application of the knowledge of stoichiometry in the preparation of solutions by weighing, dilution and from concentrated solutions. In a second practical class the solutions previously prepared are used in the identification of carbonates, chlorides and sulphates.

Evaluation Methodology
Five evaluation moments being three in the theoretical component and two in the practical component. Each evaluation moment is valued at 4 values for a total of 20 values.
The sum of the results obtained in the five moments of evaluation is equal to the final evaluation.
All students will have to have evluation in the practical component without which they will be excluded from the exam season.

- Moles, A. e Mateini, M. (2001). La Quimica en la Restauration. San Sebastian: Ed. Nerea
- San Andres Moya, M. e Vina Ferrer, S. (2004). Fundamentos de Química e Física para la Conservation y Restauration. Madrid: Ed. Sintesis
- Timar-Balaszy, A. e Eastop, D. (1998). Chemical Principles of Textile Conservation. Oxford: Butterworth
- Wilks, (ed), H. (1984). An Introduction to Materials. (Vol. 1). London: The Conservation Unit; Museums & Galleries Commission

Teaching Method
Theoretical classes where the theoretical fundamentals are taught and practical laboratory classes where will be carried out measurement of volumes, weighings, preparation of solutions and identification od anions.

Software used in class
Not applicable.




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