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Master's degree in Electrical Engineering (specialization in Control and Industrial Electronics)

Ano Letivo: 2016/17


Provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme and courses that includes contact with real situations and laboratories experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that permits excellent career opportunities and pursue postgraduate studies.


ECTS: 120
Location: Tomar.


This Mastercourse presents a new educational approach, where areas of Electrical Engineering (specialization in Industrial Electronics and Control), are transverse, and intend to provide the master’s student with a professional profile that can respond to the demands of the vast and diverse business/industries community, from the smallest to largest company / industry.

The Master course in Electrical Engineering aims to contribute to enhance quality, efficiency, flexibility, safety and competitiveness of industrial proceedings. Provides Training of professional and specialized nature that can respond to increasing demands of the labour market towards the training of technicians in a growing area of technical requirement. Provides abilities and skills in state-of-the-art and new developments in intelligent control systems, sensors and actuators, in industrial electronics and associated technologies and methodologies. It will also provide skills in the optimization and maintenance of these systems improving students’ critical and analytical thinking on these issues. Following the 1st cycle course in Electrical Engineering, allowing the continuation of studies for the enhancement and enrichment in the area of professional specialized training and postgraduate education.

Therefore, this master course qualify professionals with the skills to detect, analyze and resolve complex issues in new and emergent areas of expertise,and also with the ability to apply innovative methods and techniques in problem solving, as well as withentrepreneurshipskills enabling them to create technology-based companies.

This course of study includes:

- A set of course units corresponding to 66 ECTS credits;

- An original project or a professional internship including final report corresponding to 54 ECTS credits.

Professional Goals

Holders of the master's degree in Electrical Engineering are prepared to perform in:

- Renowned national public bodies and enterprises engaged in activity sectors such as Energy, mobile communications and telecommunications, industrial production.

- Enterprises needing specialised technicians in areas such as control, automation and robotics; electrical vehicles; monitoring and remote control; power electronics and electrical engines; medical electronics and consumption electronics among others.

Condições de Acesso

May apply to the master's degree:

a) Holders of a pre-Bologna degree (3-year Bacharelato or 5-year Licenciatura) or a Bologna Licenciatura in Electrical Engineering or related areas (Physical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering and others);

b) Holders of a foreign academic degree conferred following a 1st cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna Process by a State acceding to this process in the areas of electrical engineering, or related areas;

c) Holders of a foreign or national academic degree, that is recognized by the Scientific Council of the ESTT (Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Tomar) as meeting the objectives of a degree in the areas of electrical engineering, or related areas;

d) Holders of a school curriculum, scientific or professional, that is recognized by the Scientific Council of the ESTT as evidence of ability to complete this course.


Ano Letivo: 2016/17
Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
30192 Digital ControlSinais, Controlo e Automação 6 Paulo Coelho (2)
30193 Distributed Control SystemsSinais, Controlo e Automação 6 Manuel Barros (2)
30194 Intelligent Sensors and ActuatorsSinais, Controlo e Automação 6 Carlos Ferreira (2)
Jorge Guilherme (2)
30191 Power ElectronicsElectrónica 6 Francisco Nunes (2)
Raul Monteiro (2)
30195 Power Generation and StorageEnergia 6 José Correia Fernandes (2)
Mário Gomes (2)
2º Semestre
30196 Digital ElectronicsElectrónica 6 Pedro Correia (2)
Jorge Guilherme (2)
301910 Industrial Management SystemsCiências Empresariais 6 Pedro Granchinho (2)
Henrique Pinho (2)
30198 Mathematical Modelling and SimulationMatemática 6 Luís Merca (2)
Cristina Andrade (2)
30197 Optimal and Adaptive ControlSinais, Controlo e Automação 6 Hugo Filipe Mendes Magalhães (2)
Cristina Lopes (2)
Paulo Coelho (2)
30199 Signal Processing and Analysis Sinais, Controlo e Automação 6 Gabriel Pires (2)
Manuel Barros (2)


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
301911 Entrepreneurship and Business StrategyCiências Empresariais 6 Olinda Sequeira (2)
301914 Internship/Training PeriodElectronica; Energia; Sinais, Controlo e Automação 54 Mário Gomes (2)
Manuel Barros (2)
Paulo Coelho (2)
Raul Monteiro (2)
Pedro Granchinho (2)
Pedro Correia (2)
José Correia Fernandes (2)
Carlos Ferreira (2)
Cristina Lopes (2)
Francisco Nunes (2)
Gabriel Pires (2)
Jorge Guilherme (2)
Ana Vicente Vieira (2)
301913 ProjectElectronica; Energia; Sinais, Controlo e Automação 54 Manuel Barros (2)
Mário Gomes (2)
Paulo Coelho (2)
Raul Monteiro (2)
Pedro Correia (2)
Jorge Guilherme (2)
Cristina Lopes (2)
Carlos Ferreira (2)
Gabriel Pires (2)
Ana Vicente Vieira (2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


The master's degree in Electrical Engineering (M2E) has international partnerships established by the IPT International Relations Office (GRI).

The IPT has the following bilateral agreements (ERASMUS): Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Universite de Limoges, Universite D'Evry Val d'Essonne, Università di Bologna, Bialystok University of Technology (Poland). In addition to these partnerships, M2E is developing direct contacts to establish protocols with other international institutions. Those contacts gave rise tothe presence of M2E in the "Red Iberoamericana de Generación Distribuida y Microrredes Eléctricas Inteligentes (RIGMEI)", funded by CYTED 2012.

Is referred also the collaboration of teaching staff from other institutions in the public examination boards (dissertations / projects / training periods) and the collaboration of M2E teachers with other higher education institutions, including UNL, UC and IST, among others, in supervising Master and PhD thesis, or juries of public examinations.

One of the strategic goals is to reinforce the integration of IPT in its regional and national environment. The creation of the Transfer Office of Technology and Knowledge in IPT (OTIC) performs the interface between the IPT and industry. Thus, we emphasize the existence of M2E teachers with strong activity in the field of Electronics, Control, and Energy. This relationship with the industry community and the public sector, is performed either through the LINE.IPT (Lab of Industrial Innovation and Enterprise), or through national and international projects, on which teachers of M2E take part (e.g. projects with Thales Alenia Space); or even on the scope of the course Project or Training Period.


Course coordinator

Paulo Manuel Machado Coelho

Paulo Manuel Machado Coelho

Gabinete: I209
t.: 249328159
ext.: 5209
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Jorge Manuel Correia Guilherme

Jorge Manuel Correia Guilherme

t.: +351249328196
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Guiomar Maria Marques Fonseca Cotovio

Guiomar Maria Marques Fonseca Cotovio

Gabinete: I 215
t.: 249 328 237
ext.: 1214
endereço de e-mail
Ano Letivo: 2016/17
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