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Landscape Management

Ano Letivo: 2015/16
 One territory, one opportunity.


The landscape management course presents itself as a specific knowledge package, contemplating all areas of territorial management, aiming to, provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme and courses that includes contact with real life situations and laboratorial experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that allows excellent career opportunities and also suited for those who  pursue postgraduate studies.


ECTS: 180


The study program aims at providing the students with a sound technical training that will allow them to contribute to land management at local, regional, national and European level keeping resource sustainability in mind.

This program provides training in a wide range of areas such as land planning and development; geographic information technologies; cultural and natural heritage; environment and economy.

Professional Goals

Career prospects for graduates in Landscape Management include working in local, central and regional bodies or in public or private organisations engaged in territorial management and development.

Graduates from this study program are prepared to perform as:

- Land Management Technician

- Regional and Town Planning Technician

- GIS Technician

Ano Letivo: 2015/16
Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
98951 Land: Geology, Biology, EcologyCiências Exactas e Naturais 15
1º Semestre
98953 Applied MathematicsCiências Exactas e Naturais 4
989538 Elective: Heritage Information ManagementOutras 5
989537 Elective: Inventory and CataloguingOutras 5
91003 General ChemistryOutras 5
98954 History of the Portuguese TerritoryCiências Sociais e Humanas 4
91193 Introduction to ProgrammingOutras 5
98952 Land Planning and Development ICiências Sociais e Humanas 5
90892 Linear AlgebraOutras 5
91002 Linear AlgebraOutras 5
989533 Option: Heritage Inventory and CataloguingOutras 5
98955 Planning Theory and MethodCiências Sociais e Humanas 4
2º Semestre
91009 Ecology and Biological SciencesOutras 5
989534 Elective: Information Technology and ManagementOutras 5
98957 Land Planning and Development IICiências Sociais e Humanas 5
989510 Mapping and SurveyingCiências Tecnológicas 6
90897 Mathematical Analysis IIOutras 5
91199 Object-Oriented ProgrammingOutras 5
98959 Representation TechniquesCiências Tecnológicas 4
98958 StatisticsCiências Exactas e Naturais 3


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
989512 Geographic Information SystemsCiências Tecnológicas 14
1º Semestre
989513 Computer-Aided DesignCiências Tecnológicas 4
911915 Databases I 3
989514 Economics I (Micro)Ciências Sociais e Humanas 4
989535 Elective: Environment and LandscapeOutras 3
989516 GeographyCiências Sociais e Humanas 6
989515 GeomorphologyCiências Exactas e Naturais 6
2º Semestre
989518 Applied Geography and Urban SociologyCiências Sociais e Humanas 6
911918 Databases II 3
989519 Economics II (Macro)Ciências Sociais e Humanas 4
989536 Elective: Web ProgrammingOutras 3
989542 Elective: WebSIGOutras 3
989539 Elective: WebSIG ProgrammingOutras 3
989521 Laboratory and Office TechniquesCiências Exactas e Naturais 4
989520 Project Management and AnalysisCiências Sociais e Humanas 6


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
989525 Biogeography and Human EcologyCiências Exactas e Naturais 6
989523 Environmental Risks and Impact AssessmentCiências Exactas e Naturais 9
911910 Internet Technologies I 5
989543 Option: Introduction to Meteorology and ClimateOutras 5
989524 Planning and Management of Protected AreasCiências Exactas e Naturais 5
989526 ProjectOutras 5
2º Semestre
989541 Internship/Placement (Optional)Seminário ou Estágio 7
989544 Option: Tourism, Landscape and TouringOutras 5
989529 Regional Policy and DevelopmentCiências Sociais e Humanas 6
989528 Regional and Local Planning and MonitoringCiências Sociais e Humanas 6
989540 Seminar (Optional)Seminário ou Estágio 7
989530 Urbanism and Communication Ciências Sociais e Humanas 6

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Course coordinator

Luis Filipe Neves Carreira dos Santos

Luis Filipe Neves Carreira dos Santos

Gabinete: L214
t.: +351 249 32 8 100
ext.: 7205
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Pierluigi Rosina

Pierluigi Rosina

Gabinete: G202
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Tânia Cláudia Soares e Esteves

Tânia Cláudia Soares e Esteves

Gabinete: G 171
t.: 249 328100
ext.: 01322
endereço de e-mail
Ano Letivo: 2015/16
UE next generation
Centro 2030
Lisboa 2020