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Prehistoric Archaeology and Rock Art

Ano Letivo: 2014/15


Provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme and courses that includes contact with real situations and laboratories experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that permits excellent career opportunities and pursue postgraduate studies.


ECTS: 120
Location: Tomar, Mação.


This course of study includes:

- A master's program organised into course units corresponding to 80 ECTS credits;

- A final dissertation worth 40 ECTS credits;

This master's degree was designed so as to develop competencies in the following technical-scientific areas: Prehistory (6 compulsory ECTS and up to optional 18 ECTS), Quaternary Geology (6 compulsory ECTS and up to18 optional ECTS), Palaeoanthropology (6 compulsory ECTS and up to 18 optional ECTS), Methods and Techniques (6 compulsory ECTS and up to 18 optional ECTS), Museography and Didactics (6 compulsory ECTS and up to 18 optional ECTS), field and laboratory work (8 ECTS) e optional credits to be obtained in congress projects, publications and others (up to 9 ECTS). The minimum amount of ECTS credits required in taught modules is 63 and the maximum is 72.

Professional Goals

Holders of the master's degree in Prehistoric Archaeology and Rock Art are prepared to perform

· Public Sector:

- Municipal Archaeologists;

- Central government (DGPC and attached services);

- Museums;

- Heritage and tourism management services;

· Private Sector:

- Organisations engaged in archaeological activities;

- Organisations engaged in cultural and tourism activities;

- Land management providers.

· Education:

- Higher polytechnic education;

- University education;

- Professional training in archaeology, cultural heritage and rock art.

· International labour market:

- Higher education;

- Museums;

- Government services;

- Professional training;

- Consultancy.

Condições de Acesso

2nd Phase for Applications

from 10th August to 30th September 2015 

European Master in Prehistoric Archeology and Rock Art 2015/2017

 Instituto Politécnico de Tomar

(Erasmus Mundus Master, with the support of European Comission)

Master Course integrates Erasmus Mundus European Master in Quaternary and Prehistory, allowing students to undertake 30% of the course in other universities of the network, obtaining in the end Erasmus Mundus European Diploma, issued by IPT, University of Ferrara (Italy), Institute of Human Paleontology in Paris (France), University of Tarragona (Spain) and University of  Philippines, Diliman.


Scientific Director: Prof. Doutor Luíz Oosterbeek

Application Process:

Candidates must send course admission requirement and letter directed to Master Director, justifying their interest in the course and referring intended area of specialization (candidates may indicate an eventual theme for Master Thesis Dissertation), attaching Curriculum Vitae, copy of competence certificate/Diploma, copy of Identity Card /Passport and VAT number, and Application Form.
Candidates that are completing degree in the current academic year may apply conditionally (this should be mentioned in the application for admission).


Documentation must be sent by post to:


Secretariat of Master in Preshistoric Archeology and Rock Art 

Instituto Politécnico de Tomar

Quinta do Contador - Estrada da Serra

2300-313 Tomar - Portugal

Tel. (+351) 249 346 363 / Fax. (+351) 249 346 366
Email: mestrados.gri@ipt.pt


Selection of Candidates: until  6th October 2015.

Selection of Candidates is made by Directive Comission of Master Course, based on criteria bellow, which are identical to those defined by the Erasmus Mundus European Master, under a total of 100 points:

a) Classification of Degree (max.20)
b) Candidate's motivation letter (max.15)
c) Knowledge of english or french (max. 10)
d) Knowledge of other languages (max. 5)
e) Professional experience in Archaeology (max.20)
f) Additional qualifications, namely other academic degrees or publications (Max. 5)
g) Adequation of Thesis theme or previous publications (max. 20)
i) Age (5 points for those under 30 years old)

Candidates may be submitted to an interview, whenever Directive Comission thinks it is necessary.

Key areas of training: Prehistory, Paleoanthropology, Quaternary Geology, Methods and Techniques in Archaeology and Heritage Didactics.


Key areas of specialization: Prehistoric Archaeology, Rock Art, Lithic Technology, Ceramic Technology, Latin American Archaeology, Computer Applications to Archaeology, Geo-archeology, Archaeometry, Archaeo-botany, Paleobotany, Zoo-archaeology, Sub-Aquatic Archeology, Quality Management Heritage (Collaboration of HERITY program), Quaternary Geology, Prehistory and Heritage Management. Other specializations within Erasmus Mundus network.

Statistics of former graduates : 70% working in Archeology;  25% in Doctorate.

Main areas of research: Tagus Valley (Portugal and Spain), Greece, Angola, Namibia, Tanzania, Brazil.

Location: Master classes take mainly place at Museu de Arte Pré-Histórica e do Sagrado no Vale do Tejo, Mação. Some modules take place in Tomar.

Regime: Classroom. Most compulsory modules take place on Friday and Saturday. Some modules may occur during week.


Fee: 2,000.00 Euros (1,000.00 Euros / year) + 150.00 Euros for registration + 2,00 Euros for annual school insurance.

Registration: will take place from 9th to 12th  October 2015 at IPT Academic Services, and the following documentation is required: copy of Identity Card /Passport and VAT number (may be delivered later in case of foreign students), 2 small photos, copy of vaccination bulletin (with tetanus updated), and filled application form (provided by Academic Services). Students must pay registration fee (150,00 Euros) and annual school insurance (2,00 Euros).

Following Studies: Students under Master Course, beside other programmes, may continue their studies through same research lines in Erasmus Mundus Doctorate Quaternary and Prehistory.


Classes Begining: 12th October 2015.



Master in Prehistoric Archeology and Rock Art 2015/2016 (calendar soon available)

Erasmus Mundus Master "Quaternary and Prehistory" - Applications : Site of Universitá degli Studi di Ferrara (Itália)


Ano Letivo: 2014/15

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 17071/2009 - 23/07/2009

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
6498125 3
64988240 Analytical tools in materials studiesHistória e Arqueologia 3
6498123 Archaeoacoustics and Rock ArtHistória e Arqueologia 3
6498114 Archaeology, Human Behaviour and Integrated Land Management.Ciências da Terra 3
64983 Bioarchaeology and Human EvolutionHistória e Arqueologia 6 Eugenia Cunha (2)
64989 Cultural Heritage ManagementHistória e Arqueologia 3 Luiz Osterbeek (2)
6498119 EnglishHistória e Arqueologia 3
649851 EthnoarchaeologyHistória e Arqueologia 3
64981 European PrehistoryHistória e Arqueologia 3 Luiz Osterbeek (2)
649849 Excavation, Recording and Analysis MethodsHistória e Arqueologia 3
649882 Field and Laboratory ActivitiesHistória e Arqueologia 8 Luiz Osterbeek (2)
Pierluigi Rosina (2)
Silvério Figueiredo (2)
649837 Formation and Modification of Anthropic DepositsCiências da Terra 3 Pierluigi Rosina (2)
6498116 Geoarchaeology Seminar Ciências da Terra 6
649838 Geodiversity and Archaeological HeritageCiências da Terra 3
649855 Geographic Information SystemsHistória e Arqueologia 6
64984 Geology of Continental Quaternary DepositsCiências da Terra 3 Pierluigi Rosina (2)
649839 GeomorphologyCiências da Terra 3 Pierluigi Rosina (2)
6498102 Heritage Management SeminarHistória e Arqueologia 6 Luiz Osterbeek (2)
6498115 Hunters-Gatherers Societies Ciências da Terra 3
6498124 Laboratory Techniques and Experimental Archaeology História e Arqueologia 3
64985 Landscape PalaeoecologyHistória e Arqueologia 3 Luis Santos (2)
64986 Lithic Technology and TypologyHistória e Arqueologia 3 Sara Raquel Mendes Cura (2)
649859 Methodology of Scientific WorkHistória e Arqueologia 3 Silvério Figueiredo (2)
64988241 Multisensory studies of landscapesHistória e Arqueologia 3
64988 Museum Development História e Arqueologia 3 Luís Mota Figueira (2)
649811 Peninsular Neolithic ArtHistória e Arqueologia 3 Hipólito Collado Giraldo (2)
6498120 PortugueseHistória e Arqueologia 3
64982 Prehistoric ArtHistória e Arqueologia 3
649818 Prehistory SeminarHistória e Arqueologia 6 Luiz Osterbeek (2)
649850 Preservation, Treatment and Restoration of Archaeological MaterialsHistória e Arqueologia 3 Fernando Costa (2)
64987 Rupestrian Archaeology História e Arqueologia 3
649881 Stand-Alone ActivitiesHistória e Arqueologia 9
6498122 TaphonomyHistória e Arqueologia 3


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
649883 DissertationHistória e Arqueologia 40 Luiz Osterbeek (2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Master in Prehistoric Archaeology and Rock Art takes place in partnership in association with Erasmus Mundus Master in "Quaternary and Prehistory" (Erasmus Mundus Partnership: Universitá degli Studi di Ferrara, Institute of Human Paleontology in Paris, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Universidade Diliman, Philippines).


Course coordinator

Luiz Miguel Oosterbeek

Luiz Miguel Oosterbeek

Gabinete: G202 (Campus) e GRI (Av.Cândido Madureira)
t.: 917849330
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Luis Filipe Neves Carreira dos Santos

Luis Filipe Neves Carreira dos Santos

Gabinete: L214
t.: +351 249 32 8 100
ext.: 7205
endereço de e-mail
Ano Letivo: 2014/15
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