Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 4719/2022 de 21/04/2022
6 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 28,0 T + 28,0 PL + 14,0 OT , Cód. 605912.
- Maria de Fátima Rodrigues Pedro (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
Discuss and think about the ethics of business management
Understand the market agents and dynamics
Know the main market research techniques;
Create a marketing plan.
Knowing the specifics of marketing and brand management
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- 4 Quality Education and 12 Responsible Consumption and Production.
1. Marketing history and ethics;
2. Market analysis;
3. Segmentation and Positioning;
4. Marketing Mix;
5. Marketing plan;
6. Branding management.
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous evaluation. Practical works of achievement (40%) with presentation and discussion (minimum grade ten values) and a test (60%) (minimum grade eight values).
Normal exam: exam (100%).
- Celeste, P. e M, L. (2022). Marketing Performance - 80 métricas de marketing e vendas. Lisboa: Clube do Autor
- Chernev, A. (2018). Startegic MArketing Management. USA: Cerebellum Press
- Ferreira, J. (2019). Controlo de Gestão em Marketing. Lisboa: Actual
- Keller, K. e Georgson, M. (2008). Strategic Brand and Management - An European Perspective. UK: Prentice Hall
- Kotler, P. (2018). Principles of Marketing. UK: Prentice Hall
- Lindon, D. e Lévy, J. e Vicente Rodrigues, J. e Dionisío, P. (2015). Mercator 25 Anos - O marketing na Era Digital Teoria e Prática. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote
- Maçães, M. (2019). Marketing Estratégico. Lisboa: Actual
Teaching Method
The pedagogical methods promote the analysis and discussion of case-studies, short and medium term essays, besides the lectures and case viewing.
Software used in class
Not applicable.