Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 14880/2013 de 15/11/2013
6 ECTS; 1º Ano, 2º Semestre, 30,0 T + 45,0 TP , Cód. 964138.
- Susana Isabel Caetano Domingos (1)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Students should enhance their communication skills and be able to master conversations in the german language. They should also be able to use vocabulary related to tourism, hotels and restauration correctly. They should also spell words correctly and have a good accent, according to the level of language learnt.
Students must have access to inclusive education, of equitable quality as well as have access to learning opportunities throughout everybody's life (ODS 4).
1. Contacts
1.1. Personal contacts
1.2. Social contacts
1.3. Professional contacts
2. Professional Routines
2.1. Reception
2.2. Guidance
2.3. Facilities
2.4. Services
3. Hospitality
3.1. Documentation
3.2. Food and drinks
3.3. Means of transport
3.3. Places.
4. Leisure and touristic animation
4.1. Touristic resorts
4.2. Animation
5. Grammar topics according to the syllabus (Level A1 and A2.1 of the CEFRL)
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment
All elements referred in the Continuous Assessment are compulsory.
Active participation, oral and written exercises and working papers: 20% (minimum: 12 grade points)
Middle Tests: 40% (minimum: 10 grade points)
End of term Test: 50% (minimum: 9 grade points)
For working-students or other similar cases:
- A written test at the end of semester: 50%
- An oral test at the end of semester: 50%
The students who don't get a minimum medium of 9,5 values or haven´t done one of the elements will be admitted to exam.
Exam and Re-sit
Written exam: 50%
Oral exam: 50%
- Evans, S. e Pude, A. e Specht, F. (2012). Menschen A1. (Vol. 1). Deuschland: Hueber Verlag
- Muller, M. e Rusch, P. e Scherling, T. e Wertenschlag, L. (2004). Optimal A1. (Vol. A1). Deutschland: Langenscheidts
- Scherling, T. e Rohrmann, L. e Lemcke, C. (2011). BerlinerPlatz Neu 1. (Vol. 1). Deutschland: Langenscheidts
- Wörterbuch, T. (2015). Dicionário Bilingue. (Vol. 1). Portugal / Deutschland: Presença / Langenscheits
Teaching Method
Development of oral and written skills through practical oral and written exercises and role-playing activities.
Software used in class