Publication in the Diário da República: RCC 21/12/2010 [DR. 4926/2011 21.03.2011]
5 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 60,0 TP , Cód. 9480214.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Good knowledge of Mathematics and Financial Accounting.
The students are expected to be able to use the procedures inherent to the Financial Calculus, prepare and adjust the financial statements of the organisation for analysis, evaluate the economical and financial situation of the organisation.
1 - Introduction to Financial Calculus
2 - Capitalisation Processes
3 - Annuities
4 - Loans Amortization
5 - Introduction to Financial Analysis
6 - Base Documents of Financial Analysis
7 - Major FA methods and techniques
9 - Financial Equilibrium Analysis
10 - Profitability and Risk Analysis
Evaluation Methodology
Six mini-tests to be held within class times of which only the best 4 will be taken into account for the final mark.
Final Test.
- Matias, R. (2007). Cálculo Financeiro, Teoria e Prática. Lisboa, Portugal: Escolar Editora
- Noves, J. (2012). Análise e Relato Financeiro ? Uma Visão Integrada de Gestão. Alfragide, Portugal: Texto Editores
- Prates, M. e Laureano, L. e Pimentel, L. e Carrilho, J. (2005). Elementos de Análise Financeira ? Casos Práticos. Lisboa, Portugal: Publisher Team
Teaching Method
Lectures and tutorials focused on the resolution of practical cases.
Software used in class