Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 15239/2016 - 19/12/2016
5 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 30,0 TP , Cód. 814216.
- Marco António Mourão Cartaxo (2)
- Cecília de Melo Correia Baptista (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
Acquisition of knowledge in the area of sustainable development, namely the evolution of the concept and the global measures to achieve it. The 17 UN goals for sustainable development. Concept of biodiversity and its importance for the balance of ecosystems.
Study of the main natural resources, their various classifications, their intrinsic value and their industrial and energy applications.
Presentation of sustainable management of natural resources, with emphasis on sustainable agriculture, biorefinery and forest certification.
Students should be able to analyze situations of exploitation and unsustainable use of bioresources and to propose solutions for a more environmentally correct use.
1 Introduction - Biodiversity.
Sustainable development and environmental quality. Sustainable development goals. The value of natural resources. Classification of natural resources: perennial resources and renewable resources vs. non-renewable resources; recyclable resources vs. non-recyclable resources.
2 Biological resources. Forest resources. Woody and non-woody materials characterization, transformation and industrial applications. Agri-food resources characterization and transformation. Animal resources production and transformation chain.
3 Water resources. Importance, uses and renewal of water. Measures to reduce waste and water pollution.
4 Mineral resources. Soil degradation. Desertification. Metallic and non-metallic resources. Features and applications.
5 Energy resources. Energy dependence. Energy sources. Fossil fuels. Renewable energy. Raw materials for the production of biofuels.
6 Sustained management of bioresources. Sustainability policies. National Forest Strategy. Good forestry practices. Certification. Sustainable Agriculture. Biorefinery. Full use of plant material.
Practical work to be carried out:
TP1 - Macro and microscopic observation of the wood structure.
TP2 - Microscopic observation of woody and non-woody plant fibers.
TP3 - Determination of extractable content from wood (solid-liquid extraction in Soxhlet extractor.)
TP4 - Obtaining sheets of paper in a laboratory former and determining some physical-mechanical properties of the paper.
TP5 - Determination of mineral density.
TP6 - Determination of packing index and oil absorption in minerals.
TP7 - Application of minerals in the coating of printing papers.
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous evaluation - Two mini-tests; Laboratory reports; Preparation of an written project with oral presentation.
Final examination.
Approval to the Curricular Unit is obtained with a final classification of 10 values.
- Clini, C. e Musu, I. e Gullino, M. (2008). Sustainable Development and Environmental Management - Experiences and Case Studies. EUA: Springer
- Fadigas, E. e Reis, L. e Carvalho, C. (2019). Energia, Recursos Naturais e a Prática do Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Brasil: Manole
- Miller Jr., G. (2007). Ciência Ambiental. S. Paulo: Cengage Learning
- Oliveira, J. (2005). Gestão Ambiental. Lisboa: Lidel - Edições Técnicas
Teaching Method
Theoretical lectures, practical laboratory classes and classes for the presentation and discussion of thematic projects.
Software used in class
Not applicable.