Publication in the Diário da República: NI n.º1417|EAB|ESTT|2011
5 ECTS; 1º Ano, 2º Semestre, 30,0 T + 30,0 PL , Cód. 910010.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Basic computer skills at user level.
Provide basic theoretical skills on cartography and GIS
technologies and functionalities. The students will learn how to use
the ArcView software with application to case studies.
l1 ? Fundamentals. SIG components. Geographic information. GIS
2 ? Cartography basics. Coordinate systems. Cartographic
projections. Scales. Chart reading.
3 ? GIS functionalities. Space analysis.
4 ? Geographic information gathering techniques
5 ? GIS applications in particular to land planning and the environment. Case study analysis.
6 ?Use of ArcView software -applications
Evaluation Methodology
Individual assignments performed in the practical sessions, one final group assignment and one theoretical test.
- ., .. Using Arcview GIS (Manual do utilizador). .: ESRI
- Aronoff, S. Geographic Information Systems: A Management Perspective. .: .
- Comas, D. e Ruiz, E. Fundamentos de los Sistemas de Informacion Geográfica. .: Ed. Ariel Geografia
- Matos, J. Fundamentos de Informação Geográfica. .: Ed. Lidel
Teaching Method
Lectures and tutorials held in the computer room to enable the use of ArcView.
Software used in class