Publication in the Diário da República: RCC 21/12/2010 [DR. 4926/2011 21.03.2011]
5 ECTS; 3º Ano, 2º Semestre, 60,0 TP , Cód. 9480317.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
Know the attributes of strategic thinking
Know the steps of the planning process in health
Identify problems and needs
define objectives
Prepare and review action plans, programs and health projects
Apply tools for monitoring and evaluating health
1. Strategy and planning fundamentals.
2. Strategic analysis.
3. Strategy formulation.
4. Matrix analysis.
5. Planning and control.
6. Strategic organization and implementation.
Evaluation Methodology
Practical assignment with presentation and discusson, minimum mark of 10/20 (40%) and test, minimum mark of 9/20 (60%).
Students who do not meet previous requirement must take a final summative exam (100%).
- Freire, A. (2008). Estratégia Sucesso em Portugal. Lisboa: Verbo
- Swayne, L. e Duncan, J. e Ginter, P. (2009). strategic Managment of Heath Organizations. Uk: Wiley-Blackwell
- Teixeira, S. (2011). Gestrão Estratégica. Lisboa: Escolar Editora
- Zuckerman, A. (2005). Health Strategic Planning. Pr: Health Administration
Teaching Method
Expository method. Discussion of the topics presented in class to consolidate the material. Lectures supported by case study analysis.
Software used in class