IPT Logotipo do IPT

Ano Letivo: 2022/23

Marketing Digital

Creativity and entrepreneurship workshop

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 4719/2022 de 21/04/2022

2 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 28,0 PL + 14,0 OT , Cód. 605924.

- Joana Leiria Cabral Ferreira (2)
- Sílvio Manuel Valente da Silva (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


The objectives of the curricular unit are the following:
- the student will be able to manage a market analysis and idea generation process, identifying resources.
- the student knows the main sources of information and support to the entrepreneur, being able to update documentation and tools with ease.
- the student is able to present and defend a business plan.

0. Creativity, communication and idea generation
0.1 Creativity techniques and ideas generation;
0.2. communication of projects.
1. From the idea to business
Idea management and identification of opportunities; 1.2;
Creative concept of the idea; 1.3;
Innovation, technology and business opportunities.
2. Methodologies for choosing the project
Analysis of the potential of the promoter and the idea; 2.2;
Analysis of the business context; 2.3;
The business risk; 2.4;
2.4 Types of companies
2.5. The ways of starting the activity; 2.6;
Internal competences required; 2.7;
2.7 Market research;
2.8. Criteria for analysis of business opportunities.
3. Preparation of a business plan
3.1. The importance of the business plan. 3.2;
3.2 Choosing the legal form and activity;
3.3 The formalization of the business plan.
4. Business plan
4.1. executive summary;
4.2 Market, target audience;
4.3. Market positioning;
4.4. Project/product/idea; 4.5;
4.5. commercial strategy; 4.6;
4.6. sales process, marketing;
4.7 Business management and control;
4.8. investment required; 4.9;
4.9. financial model of the business plan.
5. How to set up your company; 5.1.
5.1 Institutions and documentation needed to set up a company; 5.2;
5.2 The business team;
5.3 The memorandum and articles of association;
5.4. starting a business.
6. Business success/unsuccess

Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment:
- Class participation (less than 3 absences) and completion of practical work - 30%.
- Critical comments x 2 - 20%.
- Entrepreneurial Project - 50%.

For exam and appeal exam purposes, an assignment must be submitted consisting of the following elements:
- Critical commentary (minimum 1000 characters) on a TED TALK of your choice, related to one of the following themes: digital, creativity, marketing, innovation and entrepreneurship. The comment must be identified with the student's details. It must also include a link and reference of the TED TALK analysed.
- Proposal (work in word with about 10-12 pages) of a company or organization with a strong digital component, with the following elements:
-- Cover with student and curricular unit data
-- Idea/concept (500 characters)
-- Explanation of how the idea came up
-- Presentation of the Business Canvas of the project
-- Text with the explanation / rationale of the different components of the Business Canvas.


Teaching Method
Atelier, with practical work
Resolution of exercises and practical cases
Development of a project

Software used in class




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