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Ano Letivo: 2022/23

Conservação e Restauro

Moulding Techniques

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 10852/2016 - 05/09/2016

3.5 ECTS; 2º Ano, 2º Semestre, 15,0 T + 45,0 PL + 2,0 OT , Cód. 938053.

- Fernando Manuel Conceição Costa (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable.

A.1. Know the different types of molds;
A.2. Know the different applications of molds;
B.1. Know the materials used in the molds;
B.2. Correlate materials, applications and types of molds;
C.1. Train the student in the areas of modelling, molding and reproduction of art objects;
C.2. Make the student aware of the problem of the reproduction of art objects;
C.3. Correlate Molding Techniques as a support discipline in the areas of History of Art, Conservation of Mobile and Immovable Heritage and Museology and Museography.

A.1.a. Introduction
A.1.b. Mold. What is a mold? What is a Template for? In what cases are they used?
A.1.c. Types of Molds: lost mold, pressed mold, glued mold, rigid molds (plaster, lost wax, polyester, etc.), flexible molds (gelatin, latex, agar agar), cold hardening synthetic flexible molds (silicone and polyurethane) .
A.1.d. Reproduction. What is a reproduction? When should you opt for a total or partial reproduction?

A.2.a. Difference between molding and modeling.
A.2.b. Mold typologies:
A.2.c. Simple dental wax molds / Univalves and bivalve molds and latex glove molds / Univalves and bivalves molds in silicone.

B.1.a. Molding materials: clays, plasticine, gelatins, plaster, wax, latex, silicone, polyurethane.
B1.b. Reproduction materials, clay, wax, plaster, mortars (lime, cement), polyurethanes, polyesters, epoxy resins, acrylic resins.
B.1.c. Materials used as release agents or separators: release films, release liquids, release powders, release pastes or solutions,

B.2.a. Techniques for making copies or reproductions: casting, injection, stratification, electroplating or electroplating.
B.2.b. Copy finishing techniques: direct application of pigment to the mould, painting/reintegration, polishing, skating.

B.2.c. Standards for evaluation of copies or reproductions.
B.2.d. Reproduction in different contexts, museum, security measure, object of investigation.
B.2.e. Reproduction types. Cultural-type reproduction. Reproduction of the Technical type. Reproduction of the Social type: limited social, unlimited social, speculative social.

C.1.a. Difference between copy, replica and forgery.
C.2.a. Legislation and Codes of Ethics referring to the problem of reproductions.
C.3.a. Molding applied to conservation and restoration situations.

Evaluation Methodology
Final Average = PT 30% + PP 70%
PP = DP 80% + MD 20%
PT can be taken in the modalities Attendance/Exam/Special/Student Worker.
PT = Theoretical Part/ PP = Practical Part/ DP = Practical Performance/ MD = Descriptive Memory
The values of the Final Average of PP and PT must be equal to or greater than ten values.

- BRYDSON, J. (1989). Plastic Materials. London: ButterWorths
- CLÉRIN, P. (2002). La sculpture. Toutes les Techniques.. Paris: Dessain et Tolra
- HAMER, F. (1986). Potter’s. Dictionary Of Materials And Techniques. London: A & C Black
- LARSEN, E. (1981). Moulding And Casting Of Museum Objects. Copenhagen: The school of conservation

Teaching Method
Theoretical-practical Lectures with analysis of case studies and laboratory classes with implementation of practical exercises with different types of molds and materials and
report presentation of the procedures adopted.

Software used in class
Not applicable.




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