IPT Logotipo do IPT

Ano Letivo: 2021/22


Historical and Experimental Processes in Photography 2

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 8645/2020 - 08/09/2020

6 ECTS; 2º Ano, 2º Semestre, 30,0 PL + 30,0 TP + 5,0 OT , Cód. 964573.

- Alexandre José de Magalhães Figueiredo (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


The student at the end of the semester must be able to independently understand and execute the photographic printing processes covered; Know how to distinguish characteristics and potentialities of the execution of the different printing processes; Know how to analyze the constituents of the supports and reagents of the photosensitive solutions; Understand and interpret variables adjacent to the processes such as: contrast, density, veil, reproduction of detail; To raise awareness for the sustainable use of printing techniques, minimizing the environmental impact. Putting into practice the critical sense and autonomy to circumvent printing errors and defects and be able, with total autonomy, to execute a creative project at the end of the course.

Part 1 - Judicious production of large format matrices by digital means and manipulation in editing software.

Part 2 – Cyanotype printing. Skills to be acquired: the student will adapt the contrast of the negative to the native contrast of the photographic solution. It will manipulate the chemistry of the process to obtain alternative color variations to Prussian blue. You will experiment with cyanotype on different supports, experimenting with the potential.

Part 3 – Printing in Antotype. Skills to be acquired: understanding the potential of using plants, spices and fruits for the production of photographic images, in a logic of environmental sustainability. Understand the influence of pH variation of solutions in obtaining different colors from the same organic matter.

Part 4 – Charcoal Printing. Skills to be acquired: production of photographic emulsion based on colloid and pigment. Production of multiple proofs from the same matrix. Control viscosity by manipulating restricting agents according to the desired contrast. Domain of the technique of transferring the image from temporary support to definitive support.

Part 5 - Chromogenic printing. Develop skills in terms of color perception. Identification and correction of chromatic deviations. Subtractive and additive methods, chromatic analysis and synthesis.

Part 6 - Produce a final creative project using one or a combination of several printing techniques covered throughout the course.

Evaluation Methodology
The assessment is continuous and consists of:

Attendance, Participation, Attendance - 5%
4 practice exercises 35%
1 written evaluation test-20%
Final project-40%

To pass the Regular Season, the student must obtain a grade of 9.5/20, based on the weighted arithmetic average of the assessment elements described above. To be eligible for assessment, the student must have submitted all practical exercises with a minimum grade of 8/20; having taken the written test; have delivered the final project with a minimum grade of 8/20.
Students with a final UC grade lower than 8/20 are excluded from subsequent evaluation periods. Students with a final UC grade higher than 8/20 will be able to take advantage of subsequent evaluation periods for approval or improvement. Approval or improvement only applies to the elements of final project evaluation and oral test of theoretical knowledge.

The same methodology is applied to subsequent Assessment Times.

- Anderson, C. (2019). Cyanotype: The Blueprint in Contemporary Practice (Contemporary Practices in Alternative Process Photography). London: Focal Press
- Fabbri, M. (2011). Anthotypes: Explore the darkroom in your garden and make photographs using plants. Stockholm: Malin Fabbri
- Nadeau, L. (1986). Modern Carbon Printing. London: LNR
- Scopick, D. (1991). The gum bichromate book: non silver methods for photographic printmaking. London: Focal Press

Teaching Method
Online classes taught at a distance using the slide projection interface that articulate with laboratory practice where the experimentation and application of the knowledge acquired in the context of the theoretical classes is carried out.

Software used in class
Adobe Photoshop




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