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Cultural Tourism Product Development

Ano Letivo: 2019/20


Provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme and courses that includes contact with real situations and laboratories experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that permits excellent career opportunities and pursue postgraduate studies.


ECTS: 120
Location: Tomar.


This course of study includes:

· A master's programme organised into modules corresponding to 70 ECTS credits;

· An original project or a professional internship including final report corresponding to 50 ECTS credits.

Professional Goals

Holders of the master's degrees in Cultural Tourism Product Development are prepared to perform as:

Product managers in tourism;

Specialist technicians in tourism marketing planning;

Middle managers with local government bodies in the sphere of tourism management;

Cultural programmers;

Researchers in cultural tourism;

Businessmen in the tourism sector;

Museum advisers;

Freelance worker in editorial design applied to tourism;

Among others.

Ano Letivo: 2019/20
Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
36411 Tourism Product ManagementTurismo 6
36414 Approaches to the Interpretation of the Work of Art História 6
36415 Archaeology and Local and Regional Heritage IArqueologia 6
36413 Local Cultural Heritage ManagementPatrimónio Cultural 6
36412 Marketing PlanningTurismo 6
2º Semestre
364110 Applied Arts in PortugalHistória 6
364113 Archaeology and Local and Regional Heritage IIArqueologia 6
364111 European MuseumsHistória 6
36419 Gastronomy and WinesHistória 6
36418 Information Society and Sustainable TourismInformática 6
364112 Multiculturalism and Lusophony História 6
364114 Natural Heritage, Conservation and EcotourismGestão do Território 6
36417 Quality Management in TourismTurismo 6
364115 Regional and Urban PlanningGestão do Território 6
36416 Tourism Feasibility StudiesTurismo 6


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
364117 Dissertation, Project or InternshipPatrimónio Cultural 50
1º Semestre
364116 Applied Research MethodologyPatrimónio Cultural 10

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 9786/2014 de 29/07/2014

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
36411 Tourism Product ManagementTurismo 6
36414 Approaches to the Interpretation of the Work of Art História 6
364123 Cultural TourismTurismo 6
36412 Marketing PlanningTurismo 6
364135 Regional and Local Archaeology and HeritageArqueologia 6
2º Semestre
364125 Nature Tourism and EcotourismTurismo 6 Luis Santos (1)
36417 Quality Management in TourismTurismo 6 Natércia Santos (1)
36416 Tourism Feasibility StudiesTurismo 6
364126 Tourism Market AnalysisTurismo 6 Sérgio Nunes (1)
364124 Tourism, Multiculturalism and Portuguese IdentityTurismo 6


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
364116 Applied Research MethodologyTurismo 10 José Luís Braga (2)
Luís Mota Figueira (1)(2)
Sérgio Nunes (2)
Eunice Lopes (2)
364129 Dissertation - Work Plan and Progress Report Turismo Eunice Lopes (2)
364131 Internship - Work Plan and Progress ReportTurismo Eunice Lopes (2)
364130 Project - Work Plan and Progress ReportTurismo Eunice Lopes (2)
2º Semestre
364132 Dissertation - Final StageTurismo Eunice Lopes (2)
364134 Internship - Final StageTurismo Eunice Lopes (2)
364133 Project - Final StageTurismo Eunice Lopes (2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Course coordinator

José Luís Sousa Soares de Oliveira Braga

José Luís Sousa Soares de Oliveira Braga

endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Hermínia Maria Pimenta Ferreira Sol

Hermínia Maria Pimenta Ferreira Sol

Gabinete: B180
t.: + 351 249 328100
ext.: 7221
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Tânia Cláudia Soares e Esteves

Tânia Cláudia Soares e Esteves

Gabinete: G 171
t.: 249 328100
ext.: 01322
endereço de e-mail
Ano Letivo: 2019/20
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Lisboa 2020