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Ano Letivo: 2019/20

Gestão Turística e Cultural

Art History and Tourism

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 14880/2013 de 15/11/2013

5 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 30,0 TP , Cód. 964156.

- José Luís Sousa Soares de Oliveira Braga (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable

Students who successfully complete this course unit should be able to:
- Know the problematics and methodology of Art History, in an analysis, namely of the cultural matrix of Europe, from the origins to the modern era.
- Understand and recognize art as social fact in historical duration.
- Recognize the different forms of artistic manifestations, aesthetic currents, authors and most relevant moments of Western Art History.
- Identify and have a global and comprehensive view of Art History, the main movements and artistic currents of Western culture.
- Recognize the various movements in a global view of Art History in Portugal.

1.The origins: prehistoric art:
1.1. Mobile art and rock art;
1.2. Paleolithic Art;
1.3. Mesolithic Art;
1.4. Neolithic art.
Art in Classical Antiquity: Greek and Hellenistic Art; Roman art:
2.1. Introduction to the art of Classical Greece;
2.2. The archaic Greek ceramic painting;
2.3. Late archaic, classical and classical Greek sculpture;
2.4. The Greek architectural orders.
2.5. The architecture of the Hellenic Era;
2.6. Introduction to Roman Art;
2.7. Roman and late Roman religious, secular and civil architecture;
2.8. Roman sculpture: the narrative relief; the portraits;
2.9. Roman painting
3.Art in the Middle Ages: Romanesque Art, Gothic Art:
3.1. From Paleochristian to Romanesque;
3.2. Romanesque Art and Architecture;
3.3. Primitive, Full and Late Gothic Art and Architecture;
3.4. The International Gothic.
4. Renaissance and Mannerism. The Protestant Art:
4.1. The origins of Renaissance art;
4.2. The high renaissance;
4.3. 16th century: art in northern Europe;
4.4. The mannerism;
4.5. Baroque Art and Architecture;
4.6. Art in Protestant countries.
5. History of Portuguese Art
5.1. History of Portuguese Art from Prehistory to Renaissance.

Evaluation Methodology
1. Continous Assessment

1.1. Continuous assessment test - Minimum of 7.5 points to remain in continuous assessment - equals to 40% of the final grade;

1.2. Work # 1 (group) - In-depth work on an artistic object - equals 40% of the final grade;

1.3. Work # 2 (individual) - Worksheets to be prepared in each class - equivalent to 20% of the final grade.

2. Exam season:

2.1. The grade in the written exam is equivalent to 100% of the grade for students who did not participate in the continuous assessment.

2.2. In the case of students who participated in the continuous assessment and failed, but whose works were successful, these will be included in the final evaluation (count 60% of the final grade), provided that the students are rated at least 7.5 in the final grade of the written exam (which will account for 40% of your final grade).

- AA.VV., . (1996). Como Reconhecer a Arte. . Lisboa: Edições 70
- Janson, H. (2010). A Nova História da Arte de Janson.. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
- Pereira, P. (2014). Arte Portuguesa - História Essencial. Lisboa: Temas e Debates
- Pinto, A. e Meireles, F. e Cambotas, M. (2006). História da Arte Ocidental e Portuguesa, das origens ao final do século XX.. Porto: Porto Editora

Teaching Method
Expository, interrogative and demonstrative method.

Software used in class
powerpoint 2016




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