IPT Logotipo do IPT

Ano Letivo: 2019/20

Engenharia Mecânica

Mechanics of Materials I

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 14312/2015 - 02/12/2015

6 ECTS; 2º Ano, 2º Semestre, 30,0 T + 15,0 PL + 30,0 TP + 5,0 OT , Cód. 912322.

- Luís Miguel Marques Ferreira (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable

To transmit to students the fundamental concepts about the mechanics of deformable bodies, which can be used to design components of structural or mechanical systems. Understand and know how to apply the fundamental concepts of elasticity theory in a linear elastic regime and proceed to its application in the analysis of the mechanical behavior of structural and mechanical components. The fundamental chapters such as axial forces, cutting, torsion, bending and combined forces will be approached.
The objectives of the discipline are also to understand the fundamental concepts using the methodologies based on the equations of equilibrium of the static and the method of the sections, in linear elastic regime, as well as its extension for elasto-plastic regimes. It is also intended that students learn to apply the Mechanics of Materials as a tool in the analysis of structural or mechanical systems, developing their capacities to study systems of multiple components, in a rational and coherent way and using computational tools.

1. Review of Statics.
1.1. Internal forces.
1.2. Free Body Diagram.
1.3. Effort Diagrams.
1.4. Loading Types.
1.5. Safety factor.

2. Loads and loads on beams
2.1. Supports and loads on beams.
2.2. External forces and internal forces in beams.

3. Twist
3.1. Deformation in a cylindrical shaft.
3.2. Stresses in the elastic domain.
3.3. Torsion angle of the elastic domain.
3.4. Designs came to cut.

4. Pure Flexion
4.1. Stresses and strains in pure flexion.
4.2. Deformations in the cross section.
4.3. Eccentric axial loading in a plane of symmetry.
4.4. Asymmetric flexion.
4.5. General case of asymmetric flexion.

5. Transverse loads
5.1. Determination of cutting forces in a horizontal plane of the beam.
5.2. Determination of shear stresses.
5.3. Shear stresses in common types of beams.
5.4. Generalized loading.

6. Design of beams and shafts
6.1. Diagrams and transverse effort and bending moment.
6.2. Relationship between loading, shear force and bending moment.
6.3. Prismatic beams design.
6.4. Beams of equal strength.
6.5. Design of transmission shafts.

7. Deflection of a beam by integration
7.1. Equation of the elastic curve.
7.2. Determination of the elastic curve from the distributed load.
7.3. Overlay method.

Evaluation Methodology
Assessment is carried out in continuous assessment or in a final exam. In the a continuous assessment, several practical assignments (TP) will be carried out in addition to the performance of at least 1 (one) exam throughout the semester (NT). The final grade (NF) is the result of: NF = 0.7xTP + 0.3xNT
In the case of evaluation through a final exam (NS), the final grade (NF) is the result of: NF = 0.30xTP + 0.7xNE

(2006). Resistência dos Materiais. S. Paulo: McGraw-Hill
(2006). Resistência dos Materiais. S. Paulo: McGraw-Hill
(2011). Mecânica Vectorial para engenheiros - Estática. S. Paulo: McGraw-Hill
(2011). Mecânica Vectorial para engenheiros - Estática. S. Paulo: McGraw-Hill
(2011). Mecânica dos Materiais. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
(2011). Mecânica dos Materiais. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
(2011). Mecânica dos Materiais. S. Paulo: AMGH Editora Ltda (Mc Graw-Hill)
(2011). Mecânica dos Materiais. S. Paulo: AMGH Editora Ltda (Mc Graw-Hill)
(2015). Resistência de Materiais. Portugal: Edição de autor
(2015). Resistência de Materiais. Portugal: Edição de autor

Teaching Method
Theoretical lectures where the application of the principles is described and exemplified, together with more practical classes where the resolution of exercises is proposed.

Software used in class
MDSolids. SolidWorks Simulation®. Microsoft Teams®




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