IPT Logotipo do IPT

Ano Letivo: 2018/19

Conservação e Restauro

Material Culture and Techniques

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 10852/2016 - 05/09/2016

3.5 ECTS; 3º Ano, 2º Semestre, 30,0 T + 15,0 TP + 2,0 OT , Cód. 938081.

- Fernando Sanchez Salvador (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Understand material culture as the study of human means of production investigating the tangible dimension and other transversal areas of knowledge considered as scientific and operational scientific field.
Recognise the nature of non-symbolic and infrastructural aspects in production activities.
Develop the ability to associate material culture, together with data collection, as the scientific basis for the interpretation of artefacts and objects.
Be able to investigate the syncretic relation between the evolution and history of techniques with that of material culture. Authors and leading figures.

1.The concept of technique and its evolution.
2.The concept of material culture, its genesis and contemporary interpretation.
3.Material culture in day-to-day life and ancient society.
4.Relations between technique, material and tool - its evolution and manufacturing techniques.
5.The value of techniques and their application, technique as a transformation factor.
6.Fields of activity:
.Ethnography, anthropology and material culture
. Earth sciences and construction
.Settlement, construction and vernacular architecture
.Industrial architecture and techniques: interpretation and current context.
.Science, heritage and preservation.
.Terminology and glossaries of the several techniques and material culture sciences.
.Linear measuring unit systems; old Portuguese units and current designations.

Evaluation Methodology
Attendance is mandatory.
Continuous assessment. (AV)
Expository lectures;
Lectures with guest experts on topics of interest alternated with theoretical lessons. Assessment through written reports.
Theoretical-practical lessons, research work presentation including discussion.
Class attendance, minimum attendance of 2/3 of scheduled classes, according to IPT Regulations - art 11.
Continuous assessment. (AV) consists of theoretical research work and theoretical-practical exercises.
Continuous assessment (AV) grade is the average of all coursework items.
An average grade in (AV) higher than 9.5 exempts students from exam.
Exam (Ex) will no be allowed to students if the work carried out (Tr) is delivered the defined deadlines

Students qualified to take the exam will receive a final grade (C) calculated as follows:
CF=0,5 AV + 05 Ex
Exam (Ex) consists in the oral defence of coursework undertaken.
Coursework must be undertaken and submitted in the relevant academic year.

- AAVV, A. (1996). O Voo do Arado. (Vol. 1). Lisboa: IPM
- ATTFIELD, J. e , . (2000). Wild things. The material cultures of everyday life. (Vol. 1). Oxford: Barg
- BRAUDEL, F. (1967). Civilização material, economia e capitalismo. (Vol. 1). Lisboa: Teorema
- CASACA, J. (2006). O Palmo Craveiro e as Antigas Unidades de Comprimento. (Vol. 1). Lisboa: LNEC
- LEROI-GOURHAN, A. (1984). A Evolução e a Técnica. Vol 1-O Homem e a Matéria, Vol 2-Meio e as Técnicas. Lisboa: Edições 70
- MATEUS, J. (2011). A História da Construção em Portugal.Alinhamentos e Fundações. Coimbra: Edições Almedina,SA.
- MUMFORD, L. (1952). Arte & Técnica. Lisboa: Edições 70

Teaching Method
Lectures and theoretical/practical classes supported by audiovisual materials. Usage of examples and case studies and debate with different participation criteria. Discussion of scientific papers and other documentary sources.

Software used in class




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