IPT Logotipo do IPT

Ano Letivo: 2016/17

Gestão de Recursos Humanos e Comportamento Organizacional

Multicultural Management

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 1887/2016 - 05/02/2016

5 ECTS; 2º Ano, 2º Semestre, 60,0 TP + 15,0 OT , Cód. 964033.

- Maria Graciete da Purificação Reis Henriques Honrado (2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable.

Students should be able to understand the differences of values in societies and their consequences in terms of management, organizations and organizational behavior in different cultures. Acting in the global arena poses challenges to the management of people that do not occur in a national context

1. Understand the trends of our time and their impact on management:
- Trends in the globalization and globalization of trends.
- Acceleration of internationalization.
- The chain of causes and effects.
2. Managing the global village and multicultural mosaic.
3. Featuring multicultural mosaic to understand the requirements of cross-cultural leadership.
- Different approaches: Hofstede, GLOBE Project, Migrant Integration Policy Index - MIPEX II.
4. Communicate, manage and lead in different cultures
- Models and patterns of communication and feedback dominant in international cultures.
- More common attitudes towards conflicts and rules.
- Misunderstandings and intercultural conflicts.
5. HRM practices of multinationals in different cultural contexts.
- Implicit organizational models and their influence on the processes and forms of communication in a professional context.
6. The sociocultural adjustment of expatriates: shocks and performance.
- Relation with time and punctuality.
- Relationship with authority and rules.
- Relationship with the unknown and the ambiguity.
- Concern about competition or cooperation.
- Importance of the "I" vs. "We".
- Kind of effective leadership.
7. Expatriation policies and expatriate selection.
- Interaction of the cultural dimensions in the daily activity of the international staff and managers and organizations.
8. Prepare and develop.
9. Manage performance, reward and repatriate.
10. Simple lessons for complex cultural management.
- Approaches, models, theories and consequences.
11. The American model before the humanism / instrumentalism binomial.
12. Germany and Russia: Are there ties in the East?
13. Japan: the Switzerland of the East?
14. China: the most foreign of foreign countries.
15. Presentation and defense of a group work based on a scientific article on Multicultural Management.

Evaluation Methodology
Continuous evaluation: elaboration and defense of a group work based on a scientific article or a frequency. Students who have a grade of 10 or more, or in the frequency or group work, are exempt from the examination.

- Cunha, M. e Rego, A. (2009). Gestão Multicultural. Lisboa: Editora RH
- Finuras, P. (2011). Gestão Intercultural - Pessoas e Carreiras na Era da Globalização. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
- Martins, J. (2011). Internacionalização e Globalização de Empresas. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
- Silva, V. e Reis, F. (2014). Capital Humano - Temas para uma boa gestão das organizações. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo

Teaching Method
At UC Multicultural Management, emphasis is given to scientific and practical work, which will allow a better understanding of theoretical knowledge and, at the same time, provide students with the tools to face the solution of real problems.

Software used in class
Microsoft Windows.




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