IPT Logotipo do IPT

Ano Letivo: 2015/16

Web e Dispositivos Móveis

Application Development for Mobile Devices II

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Publication in the Diário da República: Aviso n.º 12718/2016 - 19/10/2016

6 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 60,0 PL + 30,0 TP , Cód. 620016.


(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

C# programming language deep knowledge.

XAML/XML basic knowledge are nor mandatory, but are welcome.

Learn and master mobile application development, with and without data persistence, for iOS and Android platforms, using the Xamarin.Forms framework.

Cap. 1 - Xamarin.Forms overview
- 'Native' Xamarin vs Xamarin.Forms
- Cross-platform development
- Shared code
- Integrated Development Environments
- Emulators and simulators
- Portable Class Library (PCL) Apps vs Shared Asset Project (SAP) Apps
- Anatomy of a Xamarin.Forms Solution

Cap. 2 - Android and iOS projects
- The Label view
- Padding

Cap. 3 - Using Text
- Wrapping paragraphs
- Text and Background colors
- The Color structure
- Default color scheme
- Font size and attributes
- Text formatting

Cap. 4 - Scrolling the stack
- Stacks of views
- Scrolling contents
- Frame and BoxView
- ScrollView in a StackLayout

Cap. 5 - Dealing with sizes
- Pixeis, Points,dps, DIPs e DIUs
- Metric sizes
- Estimated Font sizes
- Fitting text to available sizes

Cap. 6 - Button clicks
- Processing the click
- Sharing Button clicks
- Anonymous event handlers
- Distinguish views with IDs
- Saving transient data

Cap. 7 - XAML usage
- Properties and Atributtes
- Adding a XAML page to the project
- Formatted text
- Passing arguments
- The x: Name attribute
- Custom XAML-based Views
- Events and Handlers
- Tap gestures

Cap. 8 - Platform-specific API calls
- Preprocessing in the SAP
- Parallel classes and the SAP
- DependencyService and the PCL
- Platform-specific sound generation

Cap. 9 - XAML markup extentions
- Code structure
- Accessing static members
- Recource dictionaries
- Other markup extentions

Cap. 10 - The Bindable infrastructure
- The Xamarin.Forms class hierarchy
- BindableObject and the BindableProperty
- Defining bindable properties

Cap. 11 - Styles
- The basic style
- Styles in code
- Style enheritance
- Implicit styles
- Dynamic styles
- Device styles

Cap. 12 - Bitmaps
- Platform-independent bitmaps
- Streaming bitmaps
- Platform-dependent bitmaps

Cap. 13 - AbsoluteLayout
- AbsoluteLayout characteristics
- Attache bindable properties
- Proportional sizing, coordinates and positioning
- AbsoluteLayout and XAML
- Overlays

Cap. 14 - The interactive interface
- Slider and Stepper
- Switch and Checkbox
- Typing text
- Date and time selection

Cap. 15 - Data Binding: Part I
- Code and XAML
- Source and BindingContext
- The binding mode
- String formatting
- The Path property
- Binding value converters
- Bindings and custom views

Cap. 16 - The Grid and Collections
- The Grid
- Picker
- ListView
- ListView and the MVVM
- TableView

Cap. 17 - Page navigation
- Model pages and modeless pages
- Navigation variations
- Patterns of data transfer
- Saving and restoring the navigation stack

Cap. 18 - Page varieties
- Master-Detail
- Tabbed pages

Cap 19 – Data Binding: Part II and Data Access
- Overview
- The SQLite database
- The SQLite.NET library
- Data Binding
- The interface INotifyPropertyChanged
- ViewModels and the MVVM
- Binding to ViewModels and Data Models
- Using SQLite.NET
- Creating a database
- Using a pre-existent database
- Building the database Path
- Connect by using PCL
- Connect in Android
- Connect in iOS
- Creating Tables
- Using attributes
- Selecting, Inserting, Updating and Deleting rows
- Locking Rows
- Creating a Data Access Layer (DAL)
- Creating a repository
- Managing the repository
- Adding methods to the repositiry

Evaluation Methodology
- A cross-platform development project of an Android and iOS App (Peso 100%).

Project auditions are compulsory.

- Hermes, D. (2015). Xamarin Mobile Application Development. (pp. 297-337). California: Apress
- Petzold, C. (2016). Creating Mobile Apps with Xamarin.Forms. (pp. 1-1050). Redmond: Microssoft Press

Teaching Method
Theoretical and practical classes.

Software used in class
Visual Studio;
Android SDK;




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