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Ano Letivo: 2014/15

Reabilitação Urbana

Urban Regeneration and Renewal

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 11549/2014 - 15/09/2014

5 ECTS; 1º Ano, 2º Semestre, 45,0 TP , Cód. 300610.

- Jorge Morarji dos Remédios Dias Mascarenhas (2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable.

Ability to identify the various anomalies of an urban area
Ability to propose solutions to make a city more attractive for investment
Ability to understand how a city can boost the surrounding region
Ability to recognize and value the resources available

I-Methodology and intervention criteria
II-Sheets diagnosis and intervention
III-study of the genesis and urban development
Functions of Mediterranean cities
Evolution of urban areas in recent years
Interior cities and seaside towns
Causes of desindustrialization of cities
Impacts of globalization on cities
Advantages of regeneration and urban renewal
The city as a tool to overcome the crisis
Advantages of concentration
Attraction and concentration of talent
Creative city
IV-State of conservation of buildings and urban spaces
Characterization of the building and its conservation status
Avaluation of status of conservation and type of intervention (global work)
urban spaces
Avaluation of status of urban spaces
street furniture
urban pavements
Improve the attractiveness
Strategies to improve urban spaces
V-Indicators of competitiveness loss
economic degradation
Social cohesion loss
Loss of concentration
Physical deterioration and inefficiencies
Socio-demographic change
Weakening of the city's connection to the territory
Environmental awareness decline
Improve competitiveness
Identification of resources

VI-Measures to increase the competitiveness of urban
To better governance of cities
Improve posture citizen
Increase social cohesion
Understanding of aging problems
Recognize the role of voluntary organizations
Stimulate the urban economy
Stemming the loss of concentration (size and diversity)
Strategies to improve the economic environment
Improve tourism
Understanding the reasons for the long-term unemployment
Training for employment
Create jobs
Creative industries
New forms of work
VII-Making the most attractive urban environment and efficient eco
Modernize infrastructure (transport and communications)
Modernize urban spaces
Encourage soft mobility
Manage traffic and parking
Energy production and consumption
Sustainable construction

VIII-Increase the connection of the urban territory
Importance of the city to the field connection
Market place and taverns
Production chain of products taken
Traditional restaurants
IX-Identification of the potential of tourism
Educational interest
Ecological, archaeological, museum and hydrological
Archaeological objects

X-Conflict and risks
Identification of problems and conflicts
Traffic, fire hazard, environmental conditions, seismic risk, deficiencies in infrastructure, etc ..
Crime, insecurity, disintegrating communities
XI-Improvements in environmental conditions
Increase environmental responsibility
Ecosystems and biodiversity
Services provided by nature free
Noise (car and activities)
Air pollution and light pollution
Pollution and water treatment
Waste treatment
Vegetation in the street
Subsistence gardens
Gardens on the facades
River banks, slopes, marsh fronts, urban forests, etc.
Conflict with the environment
XII-Sustainability for success.
Anticipating the future
Smarth growth
Understanding how each sees the territory
What everyone can do
Each building has a surround system
Revitalization of traditional trade
Improvement of environmental conditions
Smarth city

Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment includes a practical assignment consisting in worksheets of different topics in groups of 3 students. Special relevance is given to observation and critical skills.
The worksheets must be handed in at the time of exam.

- AA, A. (1988). ARQUITECTURA POPULAR PORTUGUESA. (Vol. I, II, III). Lisboa: Associação dos Arquitectos Portugueses
- Alves, J. (1988). PORTO NA ÉPOCA DOS ALMADAS. Porto: C M P
- Carita, H. (1990). BAIRRO ALTO, Tipologias e Modos Arquitectónicos. Lisboa: C. M: L.
- Mascarenhas, J. (2006). SISTEMAS DE CONSTRUÇÃO VOL.V, O edifício de Rendimento Pombalino. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte

Teaching Method
Lectures supported by purpose-made illustrations on the old centre of Tomar town.

Software used in class




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