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Urban Rehabilitation

Ano Letivo: 2022/23


Provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme and courses that includes contact with real situations and laboratories experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that permits excellent career opportunities and pursue postgraduate studies.


ECTS: 120


This course of study includes:
  • A master's program organised into modules corresponding to 75 ECTS credits;
  • An original project or a professional internship including final report corresponding to 45 ECTS credits.

This master's degree was designed so as to develop skills in the following technical-scientific areas: Building (40 compulsory ECTS credits); Structures (10 compulsory ECTS credits); Infrastructures (25 compulsory ECTS credits). Students can choose to undertake a project or internship in one of the technical-scientific areas earning the respective credits.

Professional Goals

Graduates from the master's degree in Urban Rehabilitation are expected to perform as: Site managers. Work supervisors. Middle managers in public and private companies. Construction designers or consultants. Promoters.
Ano Letivo: 2022/23
Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
30061 Built Heritage Characterisation Construção 5
30064 Applied GeotechnicsInfra-Estruturas 5
30062 Building Conservation and Regeneration IConstrução 5
30063 Pathology of Building MaterialsConstrução 5
30066 Structural Assessment MethodsEstruturas 5
30065 Technical Installations IInfra-Estruturas 5
2º Semestre
30067 Building Conservation and Regeneration IIConstrução 5
30069 Methods of Intervention in Building StructuresEstruturas 5
300611 Rehabilitation of Urban PavementsInfra-Estruturas 5
300612 Sustainability and Environmental Impact AssessmentConstrução 5
30068 Technical Installations IIInfra-Estruturas 5
300610 Urban Regeneration and RenewalConstrução 5


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
300615 Energy Efficiency in BuildingsConstrução 5
300624 Internship/Construction (Sem1)Construção
300619 Internship/Placement (Sem3)Infra-Estruturas
300625 Internship/Structures (Sem)Estruturas
300613 On-site Management and CoordinationConstrução 5
300618 Project (Sem3)Infra-Estruturas 15
300622 Project/Construction (Sem1)Construção
300623 Project/Structures (Sem1)Estruturas
300614 Rehabilitation of Basic Sewerage SystemsInfra-Estruturas 5
2º Semestre
300628 Internship/Construction (Sem2)Construção
300621 Internship/Placement (Sem4)Infra-Estruturas 30
300620 Project (Sem4)Infra-Estruturas 30
300626 Project/Construction (Sem2)Construção
300627 Project/Structures (Sem2)Estruturas
300629 Project/Structures (Sem2)Estruturas

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 11549/2014 - 15/09/2014

Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
300635 InternshipConstrução 45
300633 Internship/InfrastructuresInfra-Estruturas 45
300634 Internship/StructuresEstruturas 45
300632 ProjectConstrução 45
300630 Project/InfrastructuresInfra-Estruturas 45
300631 Project/StructuresEstruturas 45
1º Semestre
300615 Energy Efficiency in BuildingsConstrução 5
300613 On-site Management and CoordinationConstrução 5
300614 Rehabilitation of Basic Sewerage SystemsInfra-Estruturas 5

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Course coordinator

Ana Paula Gerardo Machado

Ana Paula Gerardo Machado

Gabinete: L209
t.: 249328174
ext.: 7209
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Ana Paula Gerardo Machado

Ana Paula Gerardo Machado

Gabinete: L209
t.: 249328174
ext.: 7209
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Susana Filipa dos Santos Ferreira Marques Masague

Susana Filipa dos Santos Ferreira Marques Masague

Gabinete: I215
t.: 249328170
ext.: 01303
endereço de e-mail
Ano Letivo: 2022/23
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